Effectiveness of 30o Head Elevation Intervention on Head Pain Levels in Patients with Space Occupying Lesion (SOL) Intracranial Tumor Post-Op Craniotomy : Case Study

Salma Mega Septania, Nita Fitria, Ati Surya Mediawati




Intracranial tumors are abnormal mass growths in the brain that originate from tissue that grows and divides uncontrollably. Space Occupying Lesion (SOL) is a space pressure caused by an increase in volume within the brain due to the accumulation of blood, cerebro-spinal fluid or brain tissue. A common treatment for intracranial tumors is craniotomy. According to research, about 60% of patients who undergo craniotomy experience moderate to high levels of headache pain. Non-pharmacological pain management that can be done includes deep breathing interventions with guided imagery techniques, monitoring patient hemodynamics and 30o head elevation. The purpose of this study was to present the effect of 30o head elevation nursing intervention on pain levels in patients with SOL intracranial tumors post craniotomy. The method in this study  used a case study design conducted in November 2022 at Sumedang Regional General Hospital. The results showed that head elevation of  30o can reduce head pain levels because it can maximize the entry of oxygen into the intracranial and increase the return flow of blood from the brain to the heart, help activate the parasympathetic nervous system which functions to control various activities of the human body at rest and maximize relaxed conditions in patients, resulting in a stable pulse frequency, respiratory frequency, blood pressure. The intervention of elevating the head position or head elevation of 30o is one of the many nonpharmacological therapies that are useful for improving intracranial pressure so that the headache felt by the patient improves and cerebral perfusion can be resolved.   


Keywords: SOL, Post-op Craniotomy, Head Elevation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/mahesa.v3i7.10688


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