Analisis Faktor Kepatuhan Mobilisasi Dini Pasien Kritis

Hendy Lesmana, Santi Tambunan, Ahmat Pujianto, Maria Imaculata Ose, Darni Darni, Hasriana Hasriana




Due to prolonged bed rest brought on by disruptions in one or more organ functions, the majority of patients receiving treatment in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) have muscle weakness that is unrelated to their primary condition and prevents them from mobilization. In the ICU room of RSUD dr.H. Jusuf SK, this study intended to identify the variables associated with nurse compliance in carrying out early mobilization. This quantitative study adopted a cross-sectional methodology and a non-experimental descriptive design. The ICU nurses at RSUD dr.H. Jusuf SK made up the entire sample of 39 responders, using the total sampling methodology. Utilizing observation sheets of nurse compliance with early mobilization as well as a questionnaire about nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and behavior to gather data. The Spearman correlation test was used to analyze the data. Both univariate and bivariate analysis were used in this study. According to this survey, nurses' education was good (74.4%), their attitude was adequate (76.9%), but their domineering behavior was poor (51.3%), and they were disobedient (43.6%). The correlation between the three parameters and nurse compliance yielded ap value of less than 0.05. In the ICU room of RSUD dr.H. Jusuf SK, this study demonstrated a good relationship between nurse compliance and knowledge, attitudes, and conducted in regards to early mobilization of critical patients. It was intended that this research would be used to further investigate the reasons that hindered nurse compliance with mobilization.


Keywords: ICU, Nurse Compliance, and Early Mobilization.





Pasien yang dirawat di Intensive Care Unit (ICU) hampir seluruhnya mengalami kelemahan otot yang tidak terkait dengan diagnosis utamanya karena tirah baring lama yang disebabkan gangguan satu atau lebih fungsi organ tubuh, sehingga tidak mampu untuk melakukan mobilisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan perawat dalam pemenuhan mobilisasi dini di ruang ICU RSUD dr.H. Jusuf SK. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan desain deskriptif non-eksperimental dengan pendekatan cros sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling dengan jumlah 39 responden, yakni seluruh perawat ICU RSUD dr.H. Jusuf SK. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku perawat, serta lembar observasi kepatuhan perawat dalam mobilisasi dini. Data diolah dengan uji korelasi Spearmen. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan perawat sudah baik (74,4 %), sikap perawat cukup (76,9%), sedangkan perilaku perawat dominan buruk (51,3 %) dan perawat tidak patuh (43,6 %). Hasil korelasi ketiga faktor terhadap kepatuhan perawat didapatkan nilai p < 0,05. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan positif antara pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku dengan kepatuhan perawat dalam pemenuhan mobilisasi dini pada pasien kritis di ruang ICU RSUD dr.H. Jusuf SK. Diharapkan penelitian ini bisa diteliti lebih lanjut untuk faktor hambatan yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan perawat dalam pemenuhan mobilisasi.


Kata Kunci: ICU, Kepatuhan Perawat, & Mobilisasi Dini.

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