Introduction: forklift is a tool that allows someone to pick and put stuff with heavy and large load. The operation of a forklift which does not fit the standard operating procedures (SOP ) has the risk of accident.
Purpose : this study aimed to analyze the relationship of occupational safety knowledge to SOP compliance of forklift workers.
Methods: This research type was survey research using cross sectional method. The target population was forklift workers with a total sampling of 30 people.
Results : From the results and analysis obtained, safety knowledge of client was not good and the forklift workers did not comply to SOP. However, there was a correlation between knowledge and level of compliance to SOP.
Discussions : The increase of knowledge about occupational safety, regulations K3 and socialization standard operating procedures are needed to upgrade workers’ compliance. Then, improving the workers skills through training and supervision are also necessary.
Keywords: Knowledge, Occupational safety, level of Compliance, Forklift, Standard Operating Procedures
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