Pasien lanjut usia banyak yang mengalami masalah kesehatan, terutama dengan penyakit kronis dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup. Karakteristik sosiodemografi mampu memberikan informasi lansia dalam mengatasi penyakit kronis yang dideritanya. Adanya penyakit kronis juga berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup pasien. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik lansia dengan penyakit kronis terhadap kualitas hidup. Penelitian ini merupakan non-eksperimental dengan desain cross sectional. Pengambilan data secara wawancara dilengkapi dengan rekam medis dan resep periode April-Mei 2023. Kualitas hidup diukur dengan WHOQoL-OLD versi bahasa Indonesia. Analisis multivariabel menggunakan regresi logistik biner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas responden menderita hipertensi (88,19%), non-polifarmasi (80,3%), tidak bekerja atau pensiun (72,4%), dan memiliki status pendidikan rendah (75,6%) dan rata-rata QoL total sebesar 58,89. Analisis uji multivariabel hubungan memberikan hasil yang signifikan antara jenis kelamin dan usia terhadap facet sensory abilities (SAB), jenis kelamin dan status pendidikan terhadap facet autonomy (AUT), jumlah penyakit kronis dan usia terhadap facet social participation (SOP), jenis kelamin dan usia terhadap facet death and dying (DAD), status pernikahan dan status pekerjaan terhadap facet intimacy (IN)T. Karakteristik lansia secara simultan tidak berhubungan signifikan dengan kualitas hidup total namun beberapa karakteristik secara simultan berhubungan signifikan dengan facet WHOQOL-OLD.
Many elderly patients had health problems, especially chronic disease that can affected the quality of life. The characteristic sociodemographic provide information about elderly people to help patients who suffered from chronic disease. The presence of chronic disease was also related to patients quality of life. This research conducted to relations between the characteristic of elderly patients and quality of life. This research was non-experimental with cross-sectional design. Data was measured by interview and completed by medical record and prescription, start form April to May 2023. The quality of life was measured using WHOQoL-OLD Indonesian version. Data analysis was using binary logistic regression. The result showed that the majority of respondents suffered from hypertension (88,19%), from the characteristics non polypharmacy (80,3%), not working or retired (72,4%), dan low education level (75,6%) and average score quality of life was 58,89. Multivariable analysis of relationship had the result of significant between gender and age on the sensory ability (SAB) facet, gender and education status on the autonomy (AUT) facet, number of chronic diseases and age on the social participation (SOP) facet, gender and age on the death and dying (DAD) facet, and martial status and employment status on the intimacy (INT) facet. The characteristic of elderly was not significant simultaneously related to quality of life, but several characteristics were significant simultaneously with the WHOQoL-OLD facet.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/jfm.v7i1.13491
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