Perbandingan kualitas dokumentasi keperawatan berbasis elektronik dan berbasis kertas: Study literature

Tomy Suganda, Rr Tutik Sri Hariyati


Paper‐based versus electronic‐based of health records in quality of nursing documentation: A literature review study.

Background: Many technological developments in nursing services have emerged, one of them is electronic-based nursing documentation. The electronic nursing documentation has a good impact which increases the quality of service. But the readiness is still questionable.
Purpose: Describing the quality comparison of electronic-based nursing documentation and paper-based nursing documentation.
Method: This study uses a PRISMA literature review. Through the database that is connected to various scientific publication pages such as, Scopus, Ebsco, PROQUEST Scholar-Articles with several key words such as electronic nursing documentation, nursing paper documentation, management information systems.
Results: Electronic-based documentation has a higher level of quality documentation than paper-based documentation in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, patient focus and timeliness.
Conclusion: Electronic-based documentation offers the optimization of nursing care, effective and efficient documentation, integrated nursing care and cost-effective through (paperless). Strong support from hospital institutions, organizations and government at the beginning of the nurse adaptation system and process is a challenge so that the application of electronic nursing documentation is realized properly.

Keywords: Paper‐based; Electronic‐based; Health records; Quality; Nursing documentation.

Pendahuluan: Pengembangan teknologi dalam pelayanan keperawatan banyak bermunculan, salah satunya dokumentasi keperawatan berbasis elektronik. Dokumentasi keperawatan elektronik memberikan dampak baik yang luarannya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan. Namun kesiapan masih dipertanyakan.
Tujuan: Menggambarkan perbandingan kualitas dokumentasi keperawatan berbasis elektronik dan dokumentasi keperawatan berbasis kertas.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan tinjauan pustaka PRISMA. Melalui Database yang terhubung dengan berbagai macam laman publikasi ilmiah seperti, Scopus, Ebsco, PROQUEST, Scholar-Artikel dengan beberapa kata kunci seperti dokumentasi keperawatan elektronik, dokumentasi keperawatan kertas, sistem informasi manajemen.
Hasil: Dokumentasi berbasis elektronik memiliki tingkat kualitas dokumentasi lebih dibandingkan dokumentasi berbasis kertas secara efesiensi, efektifitas, fokus pada pasien maupun ketepatan waktu.
Simpulan: Dokumentasi berbasis elektronik menawarkan keoptimalan melakukan asuhan keperawatan, dokumentasi efektif dan efesien, asuhan keperawatan terintegrasi serta cost-effective melalui (paperless). Dukungan kuat dari institusi rumah sakit, organisasi maupun pemerintah dalam permulaan sistem dan proses adaptasi perawat menjadi tantangan, agar penerapan dokumentasi keperawatan elektronik terealisasi dengan baik.


Dokumentasi keperawatan; Berbasis elektronik; Berbasis kertas; Kualitas dokumentasi.

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