The Effect Of Moringa Leaf Extract On Hemoglobin Levels Of Pregnant Women With Anemia
Latar Belakang Anemia dalam kehamilan merupakan salah satu masalah nasional karena mencerminkan nilai kesejahteraan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Angka kejadian anemia kehamilan di Indonesia pada tahun 2019 sebesar 48,9%, sedangkan pada tahun 2020 jumlah anemia kehamilan sebesar 62,1%.
Tujuan penelitian adalah pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun kelor terhadap kadar hemoglobin ibu hamil anemia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tri Karya Mulya Tahun 2022.
Metode Metode penelitian tipe kuantitatif, Eksperimental Quasy design pendekatan two group pretest-posttest design, teknik total sampling. Responden pada penelitian ibu hamil dengan anemia ringan dan sedang dengan pemberian ekstrak daun kelor kemudian diamati Hemoglobin pada kontrol dan intervensi, populasi dan sampel penelitian sebanyak 62 ibu hamil TM III. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Agustus 2022 untuk Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tri Karya Mulya
Rata-rata hasil intervensi sebelum 10.010, SD 0.3534, SE 0.0635, kadar Hb minimal 8.9gr/dl, kadar Hb maksimal 10.5gr/dl, rata-rata setelah 12.200, SD 0.5379, SE 0.0966, kadar Hb minimal 10.8gr/dl, maksimal Kandungan Hb 13.0gr/dl. Rata-rata kelompok kontrol sebelum 9,817, SD 0,4755, SE 0,0854, kadar Hb minimal 8,7gr/dl, kadar Hb maksimal 10,7gr/dl. Rata-rata setelah 11926, SD 0,5756, SE 0,1034, kadar Hb minimal 10,9 gr/dl, kadar Hb maksimal 13,4gr/dl. Hasil uji t independent diperoleh nilai 0,000 < α (0,05) artinya H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima.
Kesimpulannya ada pengaruh ekstrak daun kelor terhadap kadar hemoglobin ibu hamil anemia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tri Karya Mulya Tahun 2022.
Saran Diharapkan agar responden lebih memahami tentang pentingnya mengkonsumsi tablet Fe selama masa kehamilan dan apabila ibu mengalami masalah anemia dapat dilakukan dengan kombinasi tablet Fe dengan ekstrak daun kelor atau olahan lauk daun kelor yang mudah didapatkan dan murah, yang dapat sangat membantu meningkatkan kadar HB pada ibu hamil. Dengan dilakukannya penelitian ini diharapkan ibu yang mengalami anemia dan tidak anemia selalu mengkonsumsi tablet Fe sesuai anjuran pemerintah.
Kata kunci : anemia, daun kelor, tablet Fe, kehamilan
Background Anemia in pregnancy is one of the national problems because it reflects the value of people's socioeconomic welfare. The incidence of pregnancy anemia in Indonesia in 2019 was 48.9%, while in 2020 the number of pregnancy anemia was 62.1%.
The purpose of the study was the effect of Moringa leaf extract on the hemoglobin level of pregnant women with anemia in the Work Area of the Tri Karya Mulya Health Center in 2022
Methods Quantitative type research method, Experimental Quasy design two group pretest-posttest design approach, total sampling technique. Respondents in the study of pregnant women with mild and moderate anemia by giving Moringa leaf extract and then observed Hemoglobin in control and intervention, population and study samples as many as 62 TM III pregnant women. The research was carried out in March-August 2022 for the Tri Karya Mulya Health Center Work Area
The average results of the intervention before 10.010, SD 0.3534, SE 0.0635, minimum Hb content 8.9gr/dl, maximum Hb content 10.5gr/dl, average after 12.200, SD 0.5379, SE 0.0966, minimum Hb content 10.8gr/dl, maximum Hb content 13.0gr/dl. Average of the control group before 9.817, SD 0.4755, SE 0.0854, minimum Hb content 8.7gr/dl, maximum Hb content 10.7gr/dl. Average after 11926, SD 0.5756, SE 0.1034, minimum Hb content 10.9 gr/dl, maximum Hb content 13.4gr/dl. The results of the independent t test obtained a value of 0.000 < α (0.05) meaning that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted.
The conclusion is that there is an effect of Moringa leaf extract on the hemoglobin levels of pregnant women with anemia in the Tri Karya Mulya Health Center Working Area in 2022.
Suggestion it is hoped that respondents will understand more about the importance of consuming Fe tablets during pregnancy and if the mother has anemia problems, it can be done with a combination of Fe tablets with Moringa leaf extract or processed Moringa leaf dishes that are easy to obtain and inexpensive, which can greatly help increase HB levels in pregnant women. By conducting this research, it is hoped that mothers with anemia and not anemia will always consume Fe tablets according to government recommendations.
Keywords : anemia, Moringa leaves, Fe tablets, pregnancy
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