Identification Of Nutritional Adequacy Of Pregnant Women With The Figo Nutrition Checklist
Latar Belakang: Gizi dalam kehamilan mempunyai implikasi penting terhadap kesehatan ibu dan anak. Gizi selama kehamilan yang optimal, akan mendorong pertumbuhan dan perkembangan janin yang optimal.
Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi kecukupan zat gizi pada ibu hamil di Puskemas Kota Sukabumi dan mengidentifikasi kelompok ibu hamil yang beresiko mengalami masalah gizi
Metode : Desain penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional menggunakan data primer dengan mengukur kecukupan gizi ibu hamil dengan instrumen FIGO Nutrition Checklist. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 65 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan consecutive sampling. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Puskesmas PONED Sukabumi pada bulan Juli – September 2022. Analisis data menggunakan Chi Square.
Hasil: Masih terdapat ibu hamil dengan status gizi kurang (7,7%) dan status gizi lebih (30,8%). Hanya 20% ibu hamil dengan kualitas diet memenuhi indikator instrumen FIGO Nutrition Checklist. Variasi jenis makanan yang dikonsumsi ibu hamil belum memenuhi kebutuhan diet yang disarankan. Faktor demografi yang berhubungan dengan kualitas diet adalah pendidikan ibu (p<0,05).
Kesimpulan: Kebutuhan gizi selama kehamilan belum memenuhi indikator FIGO Nutrition Checklist, terdapat ibu hamil dengan gangguan nutrisi.
Saran: Perlu dilakukan edukasi gizi terhadap ibu hamil melalui pelayanan antenatal.
Kata Kunci: FIGO,Nutrition, Checklist
Background: A balanced diet during pregnancy is crucial for optimal fetal growth and development.
Objective: This study aims to assess the nutritional adequacy of pregnant women attending the Sukabumi Public Health Center and identify groups of pregnant women at risk of nutritional problems.
Methods: This observational study used the FIGO Nutrition Checklist to measure the nutritional adequacy of 65 pregnant women at the Sukabumi Public Health Center from July to September 2022, using chi-square for data analysis.
Results: The study found that some pregnant women suffered from undernutrition (7.7%) and overnutrition (30.8%). Only 20% of pregnant women met the indicators of the FIGO Nutrition Checklist instrument, indicating that their diet quality was appropriate. The study also revealed that the variety of foods consumed by pregnant women did not meet the recommended dietary needs. Maternal education was found to be associated with diet quality (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The results suggest that pregnant women's nutritional needs are not being met according to the FIGO Nutrition Checklist indicators, and some women are experiencing nutritional disorders.
Suggestion: It is recommended that antenatal care should include nutrition education for pregnant women to ensure that they receive adequate nutrition during pregnancy.
Keywords: FIGO, Nutrition,Checklist
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