Supp. File(s): Research Instrument
The Effectiveness Of Counterpressure Techniques In Reducing Labor Pain Levels Of First Stage Active Phase
Latar Belakang : Menurut WHO (2019) mengatakan sebanyak 90% persalinan senantiasa disertai nyeri hebat, prevelensi nyeri saat melahirkan cukup tinggi, yaitu sekitar 86,8% dan sekitar 35,9%. Nyeri persalinan yang tidak diatasi dengan manajemen nyeri yang benar akan menimbulkan masalah lainnya. Salah satunya timbulnya kecemasan, keletihan serta stress perasaan khawatir Berdasarkan Rieskesdas tahun 2018 persalinan dengan nyeri antara 85-90% dan hanya 10-15% persalinan yang berlangsung tanpa rasa nyeri, Upaya untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri dapat menggunakan cara farmakologis dan non farmakologis. Salah satu dari berbagai metode untuk menangani rasa sakit selama persalinan yaitu Counterpressure.
Tujuan : Mengetahui Pengaruh Teknik Counterpressure Untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Ibu Inpartu Kala I Fase Aktif Persalinan Normal Sebelum Dan Sesudah Dilakukan Counterpressure
Metode : Metode penelitian menggunakan Quasy Eksperiment (eksperimen semu), sampel menggunakan Total sampling sebanyak 40 responden ibu bersalin. Instrument yang digunakan adalah observasi yang sudah di uji normalitas dan analisis bivariat menggunakan Uji Paired T-Test.
Hasil: Diketahui ibu bersalin di RSU Kartini Kategori umur 20-30 tahun sebanyak 33 (82,5%), Ibu Rumah Tangga sebanyak 19 responden (47,5%), dan berpendidikan SMA sebanyak 24 responden (60,0%). Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh sebelum diberikan Counterpressure skala nyeri adalah 3.10 dengan St.Deviasi 0.118 dengan skala nyeri tertinggi 9 dan terendah 5, setelah dilakukan terapi Counterpressure diperoleh hasil rata-rata 1.95 dengan St. Deviasi 0.087 skala nyeri tertinggi 6 dan terendah 2.
Kesimpulan : Terdapat penurunan intensitas nyeri persalinan kala 1 fase aktif sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan Counterpressure dengan selisih mean 1.15
Saran : Ibu bersalin di harapkan bisa melakukan Counterpressure dan dapat menciptakan rasa nyaman sehingga dapat mengurangi rasa nyeri pada saat proses persalinan.
Kata Kunci : Teknik Counterpressure, Nyeri Persalinan, Ibu bersalin
Background: Pain can interfere with comfort during contractions, WHO data (2019) says 90% of births are accompanied by severe pain, Riekesdas data in 2018 gives births with pain between 85- 90%. Labor pain is not treated with proper pain management, causing anxiety and worry, causing the number of births via Caesarean section in Indonesia to increase by 10% in the 2007 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (SDKI) to 23% in the 2017 IDHS. Non-pharmacological is a safe alternative to help relieve pain delivery, with massage or compression techniques.
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the Counterpressure technique in reducing labor pain levels during the first active phase at Kartini General Hospital in 2023
Methodology: The research method uses Quasy Experiment (quasi-experiment), the sample uses a total sampling of 40 maternal respondents. The instruments used are observations that have been tested for normality and bivariate analysis using the Paired T-Test.
Results: It is known that there were 33 (82.5%) women giving birth at Kartini General Hospital, 19 respondents (47.5%) were housewives and 24 respondents had a high school education (60.0%). The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was an effect before being given Counterpressure, the pain scale was 3.10 with a St. Deviation of 0.118 with the highest pain scale being 9 and the lowest being 5, after being given Counterpressure therapy the average result was 1.95 with St. Deviation 0.087, the highest pain scale is 6 and the lowest is 2.
Conclusion: There is a decrease in the intensity of labor pain during the 1st active phase before and after Counterpressure with a mean difference of 1.15
Suggestion: Mothers in labor are expected to be able to do Counterpressure and create a sense of comfort so as to reduce pain during the birthing process.
Keywords: Counterpressure technique, labor pain, delivery women.
Supplement Files
Keywords : Counterpressure technique, labor pain, delivery women.
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