Feeding Patterns And Underweight In Toodler
Saran:Diharapkan ibu balita dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dengan aktif mengikuti kelas Balita, dan rutin ikut serta dalam kegiatan posyandu sehingga dapat mengetahui informasi tentang pemberian makan yang bergizi bagi balita yang berkaitan dengan perbaikan pola asuh kepada anak balita.
Kata Kunci : Balita Pola pemberian makan, UnderweightABSTRACT
Background: Underweight is the main indicator of malnutrition in children. It causes several long-term impacts such as physical and mental health, behavioral and cognitive disorders. The prevalence of underweight in children under five at the Rowosari II Health Center is 9.8%, the majority occurs at the age of 24-60 months by 0.53%. Problems that cause it are: lack of knowledge among parents or caregivers, lack of food intake, and the presence of infectious diseases. Infectious diseases suffered by toddlers can affect the toddler's appetite so that the nutritional and food needs of the toddler's body are not met, as a result the toddler can experience weight loss.
Objective: To determine the relationship between feeding patterns and underweight in toddlers.
Method: This type of research uses survey methods and a cross sectional approach. The population of this study was all 111 mothers of toddlers with underweight nutritional status, with a purposive sampling technique of 40 respondents. Data analysis using the Spearman Rank test.
Results: From the research results it was found that 77.5% of toddlers had underweight nutritional status, and as many as 22.5 had normal nutritional status. Appropriate feeding patterns were 17.5%, and inappropriate feeding patterns were 82.5%. From statistical tests, it was found that the p value = 0.050 with a correlation coefficient value of r = 0.312 so that there was a relationship between feeding patterns and the nutritional status of underweight toddlers.
Conclusion: there is a relationship between feeding patterns and underweight nutritional status in toddlers (p value = 0.050)
Suggestion: For mothers of toddler are expected to increase their knowledge by actively attending toddler classes, and regularly participating in posyandu activities so that you can find out information about providing nutritious food for toddlers which is related to improving parenting patterns for toddlers.
Keywords: Feeding patterns, Underweight, Toddlers
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