The Effectiveness Of Solution Focused Brief Therapy Counseling On The Desire To Breastfeed Pregnant Women In The Third Trimester

Nur Fadjri Nilakesuma* -  Universitas MERCUBAKTIJAYA, Indonesia
Dewi Susilawati -  Universitas MERCUBAKTIJAYA, Indonesia
Eza Yusnella -  Universitas MERCUBAKTIJAYA, Indonesia

Supp. File(s): common.other

Latar Belakang: Pendekatan konseling yang fokus pada solusi memandang setiap ibu memiliki kemampuan mencari dan menentukan solusi terbaik dalam mengatasi kesulitan dalam menyusui sehingga bayi mendapatkan ASI Eksklusif. Tujuan: Mengetahui Efektifitas Pendekatan Konseling Solution Focused Brief Terapi Tentang ASI Eksklusif Terhadap Keinginan Menyusui Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Anak Air Kota Padang. Metode : Jenis penelitian yang digunakna pada penelitian ini adalah pre eksperimen dengan desain One – Group Pretest – Posttest Design. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara total sampling dengan kriteria ibu hamil trimester III dengan skor IFI maksimum 9 dan bersedia mengikuti 2 kali sesi konseling. Analisa data menggunakan Uji T dependen. Hasil: Rata – rata skor IFI sebelum diberikan konseling solution brief terapi sebanyak 6.23 sedangkan skor IFI setelah diberikan konseling solution brief terapi terjadi peningkatan menjadi 12.97. Hasil uji bivariate didapatkan konseling dengan pendekatan solution brief terapi efektif meningkatkan niat ibu hamil menyusui bayi nya setelah melahirkan dengan nilai Pvalue 0,05 (P value 0, 000). Kesimpulan: Konseling dengan pendekatan solution brief terapi efektif meningkatkan niat ibu hamil menyusui bayi nya setelah melahirkan dengan nilai Pvalue 0,05 (P value 0, 000). Saran: Peningkatan pelayanan konseling untuk peningkatan niat ibu menyusui.


Kata Kunci : Niat Menyusui, Konseling, SFBT, Ibu Hamil




Background: A solution-focused counseling approach views each mother as having the ability to find and determine the best solution in overcoming difficulties in breastfeeding so that the baby gets exclusive breastfeeding. Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of the Solution Focused Brief Therapy Counseling Approach on Exclusive Breastfeeding on the Desire to Breastfeed Pregnant Women Trimester III in the Working Area of the Anak Air Health Center, Padang City. Methods: The type of research used in this study was a pre-experiment with a One - Group Pretest - Posttest Design. Sampling was done by total sampling with the criteria of third trimester pregnant women with a maximum IFI score of 9 and willing to participate in 2 counseling sessions. Data analysis using dependent T test. Results: The average IFI score before being given solution brief therapy counseling was 6.23 while the IFI score after being given solution brief therapy counseling increased to 12.97. The bivariate test results showed that counseling with a solution brief therapy approach was effective in increasing the intention of pregnant women to breastfeed their babies after giving birth with a Pvalue of 0.05 (P value 0, 000). Conclusion: Counseling with a solution brief therapy approach effectively increases the intention of pregnant women to breastfeed their babies after giving birth with a Pvalue of 0.05 (P value 0, 000). Suggestions: Improved counseling services to increase the intention of breastfeeding mothers.


Keywords: Counselling , Infant Feeding Intuition, Pregnancy Women , SFBT


Supplement Files

Keywords : Infant Feeding Intuition, Counselling, SFBT, Pregnancy Women

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