Identification Of The Physical Health Quality Of Postpartum Mothers With Severe Preeclampsia
Latar Belakang: Preeklampsia pada masa nifas didefinisikan sebagai hipertensi yang disertai kelebihan proteinurin yang terjadi pada masa nifas. Tahun 2022 angka kejadian PEB Dinkes Provinsi Kalsel berjumlah 818, sedangkan di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin tercatat 78 kejadian. Dampak dari preeklampsia tidak hanya hipertensi yang membuat pusing/ nyeri kepala juga menimbulkan rasa mual, muntah, nyeri epigastrium, dan bahkan berpengaruh terhadap fungsi ginjal, jantung dan hati yang merupakan masalah kesehatan fisik.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui bagaimana kualitas kesehatan fisik ibu nifas dengan PEB.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan studi retrospective. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode total sampling sebanyak 78 ibu nifas dengan PEB pada tahun 2022.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian tekanan darah ibu nifas dengan PEB dari hari ke-1 hingga hari ke-3 didapati adanya hipertensi pada 25,7% ibu nifas, keluhan sakit kepala, nyeri epigastrium, mual, muntah, sesak napas, bahkan demam. Hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium hari ketiga menunjukkan 3 orang (4%) trombositopenia, 2 orang (3%) trombositosis, 19 orang (24%) mengalami kenaikan nilai SGOT, 6 orang (8%) mengalami kenaikan nilai SGPT, 31 orang (40%) peningkatan nilai LDH di atas normal, 8 orang (10%) peningkatan nilai kreatinin dan 11 orang (14%) peningkatan nilai ureum.
Simpulan: Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa kesehatan fisik ibu nifas dengan PEB sebagian besar masih sehat, namun masih ada beberapa ibu nifas yang kesehatan fisiknya tidak optimal (40%) dikarenakan hipertensi, masalah fisik/ keluhan nyeri kepala, nyeri epigastrium, mual dan muntah, sesak, demam serta peningkatan fungsi organ hati, jantung dan ginjal berdasarkan hasil laboratorium hari ketiga masa nifas.
Saran: Saat merasakan adanya ketidaknyamanan segera melaporkan kepada petugas kesehatan/ bidan agar pemberian asuhan terkait dengan kondisi klinis lebih terarah dan spesifik.
Kata Kunci: Ibu Nifas, Kualitas Kesehatan Fisik, Preeklampsia Berat.
Background: Preeclampsia during the postpartum period is defined as hypertension accompanied by excess protein urine that occurs during the postpartum period. In 2022, the number of cases of severe preeclampsia at the South Kalimantan Provincial Health Service will be 818, while at the Ulin Regional Hospital, Banjarmasin, 78 cases will be recorded. The impact of preeclampsia is not only hypertension which causes dizziness/headaches, it also causes nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, and even affects kidney, heart and liver function which is a physical health problem.
Objective: This study aims to determine the quality of physical health of postpartum mothers with severe preeclampsia
Methods: This research is a quantitative descriptive study using a retrospective study. Sampling used a total sampling method of 78 postpartum mothers with severe preeclampsia in 2022
Results: The results of research on the blood pressure of postpartum mothers with severe preeclampsia from day 1 to day 3 found hypertension in 25.7% of postpartum mothers, complaints of headaches, epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, and even fever. The results of laboratory examinations on the third day showed that 3 people (4%) had thrombocytopenia, 2 people (3%) had thrombocytosis, 19 people (24%) had increased SGOT values, 6 people (8%) had increased SGPT values, 31 people (40%) increased LDH values above normal, 8 people (10%) increased creatinine values and 11 people (14%) increased urea values
Conclusion: This research proves that the physical health of postpartum mothers with severe preeclampsia is mostly still healthy, but there are still some postpartum mothers whose physical health is not optimal (40%) due to hypertension, physical problems/complaints of headaches, epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, fever and increased function of the liver, heart and kidneys based on laboratory results on the third day of the postpartum period
Suggestion: When you feel any discomfort, immediately report it to the health worker/midwife so that care related to the clinical condition is more targeted and specific.
Keywords: Postpartum Mothers, Quality of Physical Health, Severe Preeclampsia
Keywords : Postpartum Mothers, Quality of Physical Health, Severe Preeclampsia
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