Identification Of Perineal Rupture Characteristics

Yadul Ulya* -  Program Studi Kebidanan Program Sarjana, STIKES Yarsi Mataram, Indonesia
Siskha Maya Herlina -  Program Studi Kebidanan Program Sarjana, STIKES Yarsi Mataram, Indonesia
Regina Pricilia Yunika -  Program Studi Kebidanan Program Sarjana, STIKES Yarsi Mataram, Indonesia

Latar Belakang: Ruptur perineum merupakan salah satu masalah besar yang berkaitan dengan morbiditas dan mortalitas setelah kelahiran. Salah satu komplikasi yang dapat terjadi akibat ruptur perineum yaitu infeksi dan perdarahan. Beberapa faktor penyebab terjadinya ruptur perineum yaitu faktor ibu, janin dan persalinan.

Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi karakteristik ibu bersalin yang mengalami ruptur perineum.

Metode: Metode penelitian ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif dan dilaksanakan di Puskesmas Kediri Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 80 ibu bersalin pada tahun 2023 yang mengalami ruptur perineum dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data yang di ambil dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder, diolah secara univariat, dan disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi.

Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan dari 80 responden yaitu sebagian besar usia responden 20-35 tahun sebanyak 64 (80,0%), sebagian besar paritas responden multipara sebanyak 59 (73,8%), sebagian besar jarak kahamilan responden > 2 tahun sebanyak 71 (88,7%), sebagian besar responden dengan robekan derajat 2 sebanyak 68 (85,0%), serta berat bayi baru lahir sebagian besar 2500-4000 gram sebanyak 75 (93,7%).

Kesimpulan: Perlunya perhatian dan kesadaran bidan dan ibu hamil dengan kondisi usia < 20 tahun dan > 35 tahun, jarak kehamilan < 2 tahun, berat BBL > 4000 gram saat hamil terhadap kejadian ruptur perineum, sehingga dapat meminimalkan robekan perineum.

Saran: Diharapkan bidan meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pelayanan pemeriksaan kehamilan sehingga dapat mendeteksi kelainan pada ibu hamil sejak dini sebagai upaya preventif terjadinya ruptur perineum terutama pada persalinan normal.


Kata Kunci: Karakteristik, Persalinan, Ruptur Perineum




Background: Perineal rupture is a major problem related to morbidity and mortality after birth. One of the complications that can occur due to perineal rupture is infection and bleeding. Several factors cause perineal rupture, namely maternal, fetal and childbirth factors.

Puspose: Identifying the characteristics of mothers who experience perineal rupture.

Method: This research method is descriptive research and was carried out at the Kediri Community Health Center, West Lombok Regency. The sample in this study was 80 mothers giving birth in 2023 who experienced perineal rupture using a purposive sampling technique. The data taken in this research is secondary data, processed univariately, and presented in the form of a frequency distribution table.

Results: The results of this study were obtained from 80 respondents, namely the majority of respondents aged 20-35 years as many as 64 (80.0%), the majority of respondents were multiparous as many as 59 (73.8%), the majority of respondents' pregnancy interval was > 2 years as many as 71 ( 88.7%), the majority of respondents with grade 2 tears were 68 (85.0%), and most of the newborns weighed 2500-4000 grams, 75 (93.7%).

Conclusion: There is a need for attention and awareness by midwives and pregnant women aged < 20 years and > 35 years, between pregnancies < 2 years, BBL weight > 4000 grams during pregnancy regarding the incidence of perineal rupture, so as to minimize perineal tears.

Suggestion: It is hoped that midwives will improve the quality and quantity of pregnancy examination services so that they can detect abnormalities in pregnant women early as an effort to prevent perineal rupture, especially in normal deliveries.


Keywords: Characteristics, Childbirth, Perineal Rupture


Keywords : Characteristics, Childbirth, Perineal Rupture

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