Differences In The Effectiveness Of Binahong Leaf Boiled Compresses And Red Betel Leaf Boiling For Healing Perineal Wounds In Post Partum Mothers
Tujuan: Untuk melihat perbedaan efektifitas penyembuhan luka perineum dengan menggunakan air rebusan daun binahong dan air rebusan sirih merah di TPMB Kiswari Kota Metro
Metode: Penelitian quasi experiment dengan rancangan Non equivalent control group design. Populasi semua ibu nifas dengan robekan perineum dengan sampel 12 orang tiap kelompok intervensi diambil secara random. Analisis Bivariat akan menggunakan uji t test independen
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan efektivitas air rebusan binahong dan air rebusan sirih merah dalam penyembuhan luka robekan perineum dengan p value sebesar 0,002
Kesimpulan: Penggunaan kompres air rebusan binahong lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan kompres air rebusan sirih merah dalam penyembuhan luka robekan perineum
Saran : kepada bidan praktik mandiri agar mulai menggunakan terapi non farmakologi dalam penyembuhan luka robekan perineum terutama menggunakan kompres air rebusan binahong
Kata Kunci : Luka Robekan Perineum, Binahong, Sirih Merah
Background: Perineal rupture is a birth canal injury that occurs during the birth of a baby, whether using tools or not using tools. The impact if the perineal wound is not treated properly is that infection occurs in the postpartum mother. Infection in postpartum mothers is one of the causes of death in postpartum mothers
Purpose: To see the difference in the effectiveness of healing perineal wounds using boiled water from binahong leaves and boiled water from red betel at TPMB Kiswari Metro City
Method: Quasi experimental research with a non-equivalent control group design. The population of all postpartum mothers with perineal tears with a sample of 12 people per intervention group were taken randomly. Bivariate analysis will use the independent t test
Results: There is a difference in the effectiveness of binahong boiled water and red betel boiled water in healing perineal lacerations with a p value of 0.002Conclusion: Using binahong boiled water compresses is more effective than red betel boiled water compresses in healing perineal lacerationsSuggestion: for independent practicing midwives to start using non-pharmacological therapy in healing perineal lacerations, especially using binahong boiled water compresses Keywords: Perineal Tears, Binahong, Red BetelKeywords : Perineal Tears, Binahong, Red Betel
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