Husband Support, Distance And Knowledge With Choice Of Labor

Muthia Sari Mardha* -  Institut Kesehatan Helvetia Medan, Indonesia
Endriyani Syafitri -  Prodi DIII Kebidanan Institut Kesehatan Helvetia Medan, Indonesia

Latar Belakang : Data dari Profil   Kesehatan   Indonesia   yang diterbitkan pada tahun  2016, dari 5.007.191 jumlah bunda bersalin sebanyak  4.433.738 jiwa  (88,55%) memilih tempat persalinan yaitu puskesmas, klinik dan rumah sakit,  dan  573.453  Ibu  yang melakukan persalinan dirumah atau di Dukun

Tujuan : penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan suami, Jarak, dan Pengetahuan ibu dengan pemilihan tempat persalinan.

Metode : Sifat penelitian ini adalah survey analitik dengan desain cross sectional, sumber data yaitu data skunder dan data primer, tempat penelitian yaitu di Desa Marendal I Kecamatan Patumbaj Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Jumlah Responden yaitu sebanyak 76 bunda. Pengelompokkan data dilakukan dengan univariat dan bivariate, adapaun penghitungannya dengan uji chi square dengan perbandingan nilai p < p Value 0,005

Hasil : Hasil uji chi-square yaitu adanya hubungan dukungan suami (p = 0,003), Jarak (p = 0,001), Pengetahuan (p = 0,000) dengan pemilihan tempat persalinan

Kesimpulan :  penelitian ini bahwa ada hubungan dukungan suami, jarak, dan pengetahuan dengan pemilihan tempat persalinan..

Saran : Kepada para petugas kesehatan hendaklah memberikan informasi yang akurat baik dari segi media cetak maupun media social tentang pentingnya pemilihan tempat persalinan, jika perlu lakukanlah kunjungan rumah, dan buat sarana belajar ibu hamil


Kata Kunci :  Dukungan, Jarak, Pengetahuan




Background : Data from the Indonesian Health Profile published in 2016, from 5,007,191 mothers giving birth, 4,433,738 people (88.55%) chose a place of delivery, namely puskesmas, clinics and hospitals, and 573,453 mothers who gave birth at home or at a traditional birth attendant

Purpose :  the relationship between husband's support, distance, and mother's knowledge with the choice of place of delivery.

Methode : The nature of this research is an analytic survey with a cross sectional design, the data sources are secondary data and primary data, the place of research is in Marendal I Village, Patumbaj District, Deli Serdang Regency. The number of respondents is 76 mothers. The data was grouped using univariate and bivariate methods, while the calculation was done using the chi square test with a comparison of p value < p Value 0.005

Results : The results of the chi-square test are the relationship between husband's support (p = 0.003), distance (p = 0.001), knowledge (p = 0.000) with the choice of place of delivery.

Conclusion : The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between husband's support, distance, and knowledge with the choice of place of delivery. Suggestions are expected for health workers to be able to provide more information to pregnant women about the importance of giving birth in health facilities.

Suggestion : Health workers should provide accurate information both in terms of print media and social media about the importance of choosing a place of delivery, if necessary, make home visits, and create learning facilities for pregnant women.


Keywords: Distance From Home ,Husband’S Support, Knowledge


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