Putu Dian Prima Kusuma Dewi* -  STIKES BULELENG, Indonesia
Lina Anggaraeni Dwijayanti -  STIKes Buleleng, Indonesia
Kadek Ayu Suarmini -  STIKes Buleleng, Indonesia
Ni Made Karlina Sumiari Tangkas -  STIKes Buleleng, Indonesia
Indrie Lutfiana -  STIKes Buleleng, Indonesia
Dewa Ayu Dian Purnami -  STIKes Buleleng, Indonesia
 Background Covid-19 is a disease that can be transmitted through droplets, with signs and symptoms, namely coughing, shortness of breath, hyperthermia and others. The Covid-19 pandemic period is something that really needs to be considered, especially for maternity mothers who will have a caesarean section, by screening a good covid-19 protocol before a caesarean section is carried out.

Purpose of this study was to determine the gestational characteristics of mothers giving birth with Sectio Caesaria during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Central Surgical Installation Room (IBS) of the Sanjiwani Hospital, Gianyar.

Methods This study uses a mix method design, where quantitative data uses a cross sectional approach to the type of secondary data, namely Medical Records. The qualitative data used in-depth interviews involving the head of the room and the Head of Nursing at the Sanjiwani Hospital consisting of 4 doctors, midwives and nurses. The data were analyzed by univariate analysis with Stata SE 12 software. This study used total sampling in the period March-September 2020 with a total of 102 mothers who gave birth by cesarean section.

Results of the study were obtained from 102 respondents with an average age of 29.77 years, with high school education, namely 75 people (70%), 55 people not working (52%), medical indications 82 people (80.39%), complaints of vaginal discharge (KPD) were 33 people (32.35%), positive rapid test 37 people (36.27%), and positive PCR swab results were 33 people (32.35%).

Conclusion The policy is that all pregnant women must undergo a rapid test and PCR test before the delivery process is carried out

Suggestions The regulation of maternity services during the COVID-19 pandemic is more about screening, namely mandatory rapid tests and PCR tests. Handling with strict health protocol level 3 to break the chain of virus transmission.


Key words: Sectio Caesaria, Covid-19, SOP




Latar Belakang Covid-19 merupakan penyakit yang dapat ditularkan melalui droplet, dengan tanda dan gejala yaitu batuk, sesak, hipertermi dan lain-lain. Masa pandemi Covid-19 merupakan hal yang sangat perlu diperhatikan terutama pada ibu bersalin yang akan dilakukan tindakan sectio caesarea, dengan melakukan skrining protocol covid-19 yang baik sebelum dilakukan tindakansectio caesarea.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik gestasional pada ibu bersalin dengan Sectio Caesaria pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Ruang Instalasi Bedah Sentral (IBS) RSUD Sanjiwani Gianyar.

Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan mixmethod, dimana data kuantitatif menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional pada jenis data sekunder yaitu Rekam Medis. Data kualitatif menggunakan wawancara mendalam yang melibatkan kepala ruangan dan Kabag Keperawatan RSUD Sanjiwani yang terdiri dari dokter, bidan dan perawat yang berjumlah 4 orang. Data dianalisis dengan analisis univariat dengan software Stata SE 12.  Penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling pada periode Maret-September 2020 dengan total 102 orang ibu bersalin dengan tindakan SC.  

    Hasil penelitian didapatkan dari 102 responden rata-rata pada umur 29,77 tahun, berpendidikan SMA yaitu 75  orang (70%), tidak bekerja sebanyak 55 orang  (52%), indikasi medis sebesar 82 orang (80.39%), keluhan keluar air pervaginam (KPD) yaitu 33 orang (32.35%), rapid test positif 37 orang (36.27%), dan hasil swab PCR positif sebanyak 33 orang (32.35%).

Kesimpulan Kebijakan yang dilakukan bahwa seluruh ibu hamil wajib dilakukan rapid test dan PCR test sebelum dilakukan proses tindakan persalinan

Saran Regulasi layanan ibu bersalin pada masa pandemi COVID 19 ini lebih pada skrining yaitu wajib rapid test dan test PCR. Penanganan dengan protokol kesehatan yang ketat level 3 untuk memutus rantai penularan virus. 


Kata Kunci :  Sectio Caesaria, Covid-19, SOP

Keywords : Sectio Caesaria, Covid-19, SOP

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