Endorphin Massage Against Pain Intensity And Anxiety Levels In Primigravida Maternity Mothers During 1 Active Phase

Amalia Khairunnisa* -  Universitas Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia
Yenny Aulya -  Prodi Kebidanan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia
Retno WidowatI -  Prodi Kebidanan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia


Latar Belakang : Proses persalinan identik dengan rasa nyeri yang akan dijalani. Ibu hamil sering merasa cemas dan khawatir tentang rasa nyeri yang akan mereka alami saat melahirkan dan akan bereaksi untuk mengatasi nyeri dan kecemasan tersebut.

Tujuan : Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh Endorphin Massage terhadap intensitas nyeri dan tingkat kecemasan pada ibu bersalin primigravida kala 1 fase aktif pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol.

Metode : Desain penelitian Eksperimen semu (Quasi Eksperimental) ini menggunakan rancangan Pre-test Post-test Two Group Design. Populasi dari penelitian ini berjumlah 40 responden ibu bersalin primigravida kala 1 fase aktif. Sampel penelitian 20 responden kelompok intervensi dan 20 responden kelompok kontrol dengan Purposive Sampling. Instrumen penelitian berupa Kuesioner dan alat ukur Numerik Rating Scale (NRS) dan Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS). Distribusi data sudah dilakukan uji normalitas dengan hasil data terdistribusi normal. Analisis data dengan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji t- test Independent dan uji paired simple t- test.

Hasil : Penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan rata-rata inntensitas nyeri dan tingkat kecemasan antara ibu bersalin primigravida kala 1 fase aktif yang diberikan Endorphin Massage dan yang tidak diberikan Endorphin Massage pada ibu bersalin sebesar 0,000 (p<0.05).

Kesimpulan : Ada pengaruh pemberian metode endorphin massage terhadap intensitas nyeri dan tingkat kecemasan pada ibu bersalin primigravida kala 1 fase aktif untuk menekan rasa sakit dan kecemasan ibu bersalin.

Saran : Diharapkan dapat memotivasi tenaga kesehatan untuk menggunakan atau mengkombinasikan terapi farmakologi maupun non farmakologi dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu bentuk intervensi dalam memberikan asuhan kebidanan secara komprehensif salah satunya metode Endoprhin Massage


Kata Kunci : Endorphin Massage, nyeri, kecemasan, persalinan.




Background: The process of childbirth is identical to the pain that will be endured. Pregnant women often feel anxious and worried about the pain they will experience during childbirth and will react to deal with the pain and anxiety.

Purpose: This study was to determine the effect of Endorphin Massage on pain intensity and anxiety levels in primigravida maternity mothers in active phase 1 in the intervention group and the control group.

Methods: This quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental) research design uses a Pre-test Post-test Two Group Design. The population of this study amounted to 40 respondents who gave birth to primigravida in the first active phase. The research sample was 20 respondents in the intervention group and 20 respondents in the control group using purposive sampling. The research instruments were questionnaires and measuring instruments, the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS). The distribution of the data has been tested for normality with the results of the data being normally distributed. Data analysis by hypothesis testing using Independent t-test and paired simple t-test.

Results: The study showed that there was a significant difference in the average pain intensity and anxiety level between primigravida mothers in active phase 1 who were given Endorphin Massage and those who were not given Endorphin Massage were 0.000 (p<0.05).

Conclusion: There is an effect of giving the endorphin massage method on the intensity of pain and anxiety levels in primigravida maternity mothers in active phase 1 to suppress pain and anxiety in childbirth.

Suggestion: It is hoped that it can motivate health workers to use or combine pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies that can be used as a form of intervention in providing comprehensive midwifery care, one of which is the Endoprhin Massage method.


Keywords: Anxiety, Childbirth ,Endorphin Massage, Pain


Keywords : Endorphin Massage, nyeri, kecemasan, persalinan.

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