Unmet Need For Family Planning During Covid 19

Noor Syafaatin Udhma* -  Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih -  Fakultas Kedokteran Prodi Kebidanan Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Latar Belakang: Penurunan angka unmet need KB merupakan salah satu sasaran strategis pemerintah dalam mewujudkan pertumbuhan penduduk yang seimbang. Capaian penurunan angka unmet need KB di tahun 2020 sebesar 64,2%, capaian tersebut mengalami penurunan dari tahun 2019 yaitu sebesar 81,9%. Unmet need KB dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, Akses fasilitas kesehatan merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab unmet need KB.

Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dampak akses fasilitas kesehatan di masa pandemi covid terhadap unmet need KB.

Metode: Sebuah studi literature review dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan database Google Scholar, NCBI, dan Elsevier untuk menelusuri jurnal nasional dan internasional yang meneliti hubungan antara akses fasilitas kesehatan dan unmet need KB.

Hasil: Hasil penelitian dari telaah artikel didapatkan bahwa hambatan akses fasilitas kesehatan di masa pandemi covid 19 dapat datang dari berbagai dimensi yaitu availability, approachability, acceptability, dan affordability.

Kesimpulan : Dampak pandemi Covid menyebabkan mayoritas fasilitas kesehatan perifer ditutup dan beberapa pelayanan kesehatan esensial rutin terganggu.

Saran : fasilitas kesehatan dapat mengimplementasikan pedoman pelayanan KB disaat Pandemi.


Kata Kunci: Akses fasilitas kesehatan, Covid 19, Kontrasepsi, Unmet need KB.




Background: Reducing the number of unmet need for family planning is one of the government's strategic targets in realizing balanced growth. The achievement of decreasing the number of unmet need for family planning in 2020 was 64.2%, this achievement decreased from 2019 which was 81.9%. Unmet need for family planning can be caused by several factors. Access to health facilities is one of the factors causing unmet need for family planning.

Aim: This study aims to describe the impact on access to health facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unmet need for family planning.

Methode: A literature review was conducted using the Google Scholar, NCBI, and Elsevier databases to search for national and international journals that examined the relationship between access to health facilities and unmet needs for family planning.

Results: The results of the study of the article found that the barriers to access to health facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic could come from various dimensions, namely availability, approachability, acceptability, and affordability.

Conclusion: The impact of the Covid pandemic caused most of the peripheral health facilities to be closed and some essential health services disrupted.

Suggestion: It is recommended for health facilities to implement family planning service guidelines during a pandemic.


Keywords : Access to Health Care, Contraception, Covid 19 Unmet need for family planning.


Keywords : Kebidanan

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