Supp. File(s): Research Instrument
The Effect Of Garlic Extract (Allium Sativum) On Total Cholesterol Levels In High School Adolescent With Overnutrition
Latar Belakang Prevalensi obesitas penduduk Indonesia berusia ≥15 tahun cenderung meningkat dari 18,8% pada tahun 2007 menjadi 31% pada tahun 2018 dengan risiko gangguan kolesterol, penyakit kardiovaskular, sindrom metabolik, dan kanker.
Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui rata-rata kadar kolesterol total setelah pemberian ekstrak bawang putih pada remaja SMA dengan gizi lebih di Kecamatan Tanjung Karang Pusat.
Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian pra eksperimen dengan rancangan one group pretest-posttest design pada populasi remaja SMA yang mengambil 30 subjek secara purposive sampling dari bulan Mei sampai Juli. Kriteria inklusi: usia 15-18 tahun, gizi lebih, kolesterol total 170 mg/dL. Dikecualikan jika kritis/menderita komplikasi/komorbid, menolak atau tidak mendapat persetujuan orang tua, diketahui memiliki alergi terhadap bawang putih, atau sedang menggunakan terapi lain untuk menurunkan kolesterol. Analisis niat untuk mengobati dilakukan, uji normalitas dilakukan dengan Shapiro-Wilk, dan perbedaan rata-rata kolesterol total dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon.
Hasil Diketahui bahwa rata-rata kadar kolesterol sebelum dan sesudah diberikan ekstrak bawang putih adalah 192,37 vs 175,00 mg/dL, nilai SD 17,94 vs 31,42; SE 3.27 vs 5.73; minimum 170 vs 131 mg/dl, maksimum 238 vs 268 mg/dl.
Kesimpulan Ada pengaruh pemberian ekstrak bawang putih terhadap penurunan kolesterol total pada remaja SMA dengan gizi lebih (p-value = 0,005). Tidak adanya pemantauan pola makan dan aktivitas fisik selama penelitian, oleh karena itu perlu diperhatikan pada penelitian selanjutnya.
Saran Disarankan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kolesterol total pada remaja SMA dengan gizi lebih dan memberikan edukasi terkait resiko yang mungkin terjadi kedepannya.
Kata kunci: Ekstrak Bawang Putih, Gizi Lebih,Kolesterol Total,Remaja SMA
Backgraound The obesity prevalence of the Indonesian population aged ≥15 years tended to increase from 18.8% in 2007 to 31% in 2018 with the risk of cholesterol disorders, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and cancer.
The purpose of the study was to determine the average level of total cholesterol after garlic extract administration to high school adolescents with overnutrition in the Tanjung Karang Pusat sub-district.
MethodsThis was pre-experimental research with a one-group pretest-posttest design in a population of high school adolescents who took 30 subjects by purposive sampling from May to July. Inclusion criteria: age 15-18 years, overnutrition, total cholesterol 170 mg/dL. Excluded if critical / suffering from complications / comorbid, refused or did not get parental consent, known to have allergies against garlic, or were using other therapies to lower cholesterol. Intention to treat analysis was performed, a normality test was carried out with Shapiro-Wilk, and the difference in average total cholesterol was analyzed using the Wilcoxon test.
Result It was known that the average cholesterol levels before and after being given garlic extract were 192.37 vs. 175.00 mg/dL, SD value 17.94 vs. 31.42; SE 3.27 vs 5.73; minimum 170 vs 131 mg/dl, maximum 238 vs 268 mg/dl.
Conclusion There was an influence administration of garlic extract to reduce total cholesterol in high school adolescents with overnutrition (p-value = 0.005). There was no monitoring of diet patterns and physical activity during the study, therefore it must be considered in further research.
Suggestion It was recommended to check total cholesterol in high school adolescents with overnutrition and provide education related to risks that might occur in the future.
Keywords: High school adolescents, overnutrition, garlic extract, total cholesterol
Supplement Files
Keywords : High school adolescents, overnutrition, garlic extract, total cholesterol
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