Behavior Of Pregnant Mothers To Prevent Malaria With Pre And Post Personal Counseling Methods
Method: This type of research is quasi-experimental with a pre-post control design approach which approaches two groups, namely the intervention group by providing treatment (personal counseling) and the control group (leaflets). The data collected is primary data and secondary data with personal counseling variables as independent variables and changes in knowledge, attitudes and behavior as the dependent variable. The research sample was pregnant women as many as 33 respondents in each group. Sampling with purposive sampling technique in accordance with predetermined criteria. The instrument used is a knowledge, attitude and behavior questionnaire. Analysis of the data used is a non-parametric test, namely the Mc Nemar and Mann-Withney test .
Results: There was a change in the knowledge of pregnant women on the prevention of malaria pre and post personal counseling at the Sentani Health Center, Jayapura Regency in the intervention group with the results of the calculation of x2 with the Mc Nemar distribution table using degrees of freedom 1 with a level of = 0.05 ie 3.841 obtained X 2 count 18 0.05 > 3.841 with a value of 0.000 < 0.05, while in the control group obtained X 2 count 7.04 > 3.841 with a value of 0.021 < 0.05 and there are differences in changes in pre-post knowledge in the two groups obtained a value of 0.011 < 0.05. There is a change in the attitude of pregnant women towards malaria prevention pre and post personal counseling at the Sentani Health Center, Jayapura Regency in the intervention group obtained X 2 count 25.03 > 3.841 with a value of 0.031 > 0.05, while in the control group obtained X 2 count 5.93 > 3.841 with a value of 1,000 < 0.05 and there are differences in pre-post attitude changes in the two groups obtained a value of 0.001 < 0.05. There is a change in the behavior of pregnant women towards malaria prevention pre and post personal counseling at the Sentani Health Center, Jayapura Regency in the intervention group obtained X 2 count 21.33 > 3.841 with a value of 0.031 > 0.05, while in the control group obtained X 2 count 6.32 > 3.841 with a value of 0.500 <0.05 and there is a difference in pre-post attitude changes in the two groups obtained a value of 0.013 <0.05.
Conclusion: There was a change in knowledge, attitude and behavior of pregnant women after being given personal counseling about malaria prevention in the Sentani Health Center Work Area and there were differences in changes in knowledge, attitudes and behavior of pregnant women in the intervention group and the control group.
Keywords : Behavior of pregnant women, malaria prevention, personal pre-counseling, personal post-counseling
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