The Role And Strategy Of Midwife Independent Practice (Tpmb) In Anticipation Of Virus Transmission

Rahmadyanti Rahmadyanti -  Abdi Nusantara College of Health Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia
Bintang Petralina* -  Binawan University ,Jakarta, Indonesia

Latar Belakang: Penyebaran Covid-19 varian omicron sangat cepat dan kasus bertambah banyak dan membuat masyarakat mengalami kondisi hard stupidity, masyarakat lelah dan jenuh sehingga memicu lonjakan kembali kasus Covid-19. Tempat Praktik Mandiri Bidan (TPMB) merupakan salah satu fasilitas kesehatan tempat masyarakat mendapatkan layanan kesehatan ibu dan anak. Berdasarkan data Riskesdas 2018, Pelayanan ANC oleh bidan sebesar 82.4% dan 41% diantaranya di TPMB 80% ke tempat praktik mandiri bidan. Pertolongan Persalinan oleh bidan sebesar 62,7% dan 29% diantaranya ditolong di TPMB serta pelayanan keluarga berencana 76,5% dilakukan oleh bidan dan 54,6% diantaranya dilakukan di TPMB. Hal ini menjadikan Bidan menjadi  salah satu garda terdepan dalam upaya memutusan rantai penularan covid-19. Bidan delima merupakan ikon tempat praktik mandiri bidan yang mengedepankan mutu layanan kebidanan

Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan pengetahuan, peran dan strategi Tempat Praktik Mandiri Bidan (TPMB) dalam antisipasi penularan virus omicron di wilayah kerja Jakarta Timur tahun 2022.

Metode: Pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional dengan teknik purposive sampling pada 100 sampel TPMB di wilayah kerja Jakarta Timur Tahun 2022 yang dilakukan pada Februari  – April 2022 dengan kuesioner menggunakan analisis analitik.

Hasil: Mayoritas TPMB anggota Bidan Delima (51%), berpengetahuan baik (57%), berperan baik (58%) dan memiliki strategi yang baik (54%). Pengetahuan, peran da strategi dalam mengantisipasi penularan virus omicron tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna (P-value >0.05) dengan status keanggotaan TPMB sebagai bidan delima di wilayah kerja Jakarta Timur tahun 2022.

Kesimpulan: Pengetahuan, peran dan strategi bidan dalam mengantisipasi penularan virus omicron tidak berhubungan dengan status keanggotaan sebagai bidan delima.

Saran: Dalam menjalankan peran sebagai bidan delima di fasilitas pelayanan Tempat Praktik Bidan Mandiri harus menerapkan 3M, 3T, dan vaksinasi dengan baik, transparan dan terbuka kepada masyarakat dengan komunikasi yang baik, tetap menggunakan masker, dan mencuci tangan.


Kata Kunci: Bidan Delima, Omicron, Peran, Strategi, Tempat Praktik Mandiri Bidan ABSTRACT


Background: The spread of the Covid-19 variant of the omicron was very fast and the number of cases increased and caused the community to experience a hard condition, the community was tired and bored so that it triggered a spike in Covid-19 cases again.  The Midwife Independent Practice Center (TPMB) is one of the health facilities where the community gets maternal and child health services. Based on the 2018 Riskesdas data, ANC services by midwives amounted to 82.4% and 41% of them at TPMB 80% to the midwife’s independent practice. Childbirth assistance by midwives amounted to 62.7% and 29% of them were assisted at TPMB and 76,5% of family planning services were provided by midwives and 54.6% of them were provided at TPMB. This makes midwives one of the front guards in efforts to break the chain of transmission of covid-19. Delima midwives are icons of midwifery independent practices that prioritizes the quality of midwifery services.

Purpose : Knowing the differences in knowledge, roles and strategies for  the Midwife Independent Practice Center (TPMB) in anticipating the transmission of  the omicron virus in the East Jakarta work area in 2022.

Method: The quantitative approach uses a cross-sectional research design with a purposive sampling  technique on 100 TPMB samples in the East Jakarta working area in 2022 which was conducted in February – April 2022 with a questionnaire using analytical analysis.


Results: The majority of TPMB members of Delima Midwives (51%), have good knowledge (57%), have a good role (58%) and have a good strategy (54%).  Knowledge, role and strategy in anticipating transmission of the omicron virus  do not have a meaningful relationship (P-value >0.05) with TPMB  membership status as a delima midwife in the East Jakarta working area in 2022.

Conclusion: Midwives’ knowledge, roles and strategies in anticipating transmission of the omicron virus are not related to membership status as a delima midwife.

Suggestion: In carrying out the role as a delima midwife in a service facility where the Independent Midwife Practice must apply 3M, 3T, and vaccination properly, be transparent and open to the public with good communication, continue to use masks, and wash hands.


Keywords: Delima Midwife, Omicron, Role, Strategy, Midwife Independent Practice Place
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