Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Hospital Antibiotic Resistance Pattern
Latar Belakang : Infeksi nosokomial adalah masalah luas yang memperpanjang durasi pemulihan, meningkatkan biaya perawatan, dan meningkatkan angka kematian pasien. Antibiotik digunakan untuk mengobati infeksi bakteri yang menyebabkan kondisi tersebut. Di Indonesia, seperti halnya di negara-negara lain, penggunaan antibiotik sudah meluas dan berlebihan, bahkan banyak yang disalahgunakan. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui pola resistensi antibiotik di RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek periode Januari sampai Maret 2018 dan mengetahui pola resistensi bakteri terhadap antibiotik.
Metode Penelitian : Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif. Sampel diambil dari rekam medik pasien yang mendapatkan pengobatan antibiotik yang memiliki hasil uji sensitivitas.
Hasil Penelitian : Kloramfenikol, Sulbaktam-ampi, dan Cephalexin memiliki rata-rata resistensi tertinggi (98%), diikuti oleh Cefadroxil (94%), Cefixime (91%), dan Trimethoprim (90%). Bakteri juga ditemukan paling sensitif terhadap Amikacin (> 93%), kecuali Streptococcus sp., yang ditemukan paling sensitif terhadap Amox-Clavulanic Acid (91%) dan Meropenem (82%).
Kesimpulan : Sebagian besar bakteri yang diuji paling resisten terhadap Sulbaktam-Ampi (>97%) dan Penisilin (100%). Mayoritas bakteri yang teridentifikasi pada penelitian ini paling sensitif terhadap Amikasin (>92%), dengan rata-rata sensitivitas terhadap Amikasin sebesar 89% (kecuali Streptococcus sp.).
Saran : pemangku kepentingan pengguna antibiotik di rumah sakit dapat mematuhi penggunaan antibiotik secara bijaksana dalam rangka mengatasi infeksi nosokomial.
Kata kunci : Antibiotik, pola bakteri, nosokomial, resistensi
Background : Nosocomial infections are a widespread issue that prolong recovery durations, raise maintenance costs, and raise patient mortality rates. antibiotics are used to treat the bacterial infection that caused the condition. In Indonesia, as in other nations, the use of antibiotics has become widespread and excessive, with many of them being misused.
Aim : to determine the antibiotic resistant pattern on Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek hospital from January to March 2018 and to determine the bacterial resistance pattern of antibiotic.
Method : This study was using a descriptive study. The samples were taken from medical records of patients who received antibiotic treatment which has a sensitivity test results.
Result : Chloramfenicol, Sulbactam-ampi, and Cephalexin had the highest average resistance (98%), followed by Cefadroxil (94%), Cefixime (91%), and Trimethoprim (90%). They were also found to be most sensitive to Amikacin (> 93%), with the exception of Streptococcus sp., which was found to be the most sensitive to Amox-Clavulanic Acid (91%) and Meropenem (82%).
Conclusion: Most of the bacteria tested were most resistant to Sulbactam-Ampi (> 97%) and Penicillin (100%). The majority of the bacteria identified in this study were most sensitive to Amikacin (> 92%), with an average sensitivity to Amikacin of 89% (with the exception of Streptococcus sp.,).
Suggestion : It is hoped that stakeholders who use antibiotics can use antibiotics to increase caution in their use to treat nosocomial infections.
Keywords : Antibiotic, bacterial pattern, nosocomial, resistance.
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