Penyuluhan Manajemen Luka Kaki Diabetik dalam Situasi Pandemic Covid -19 pada Tenaga Kesehatan di Cilegon Banten
Luka Kaki diabetik merupakan penyakit vaskular mikroangiopati dan salah satu komplikasi kronik utama diabetes melitusyang terkait 16 makroangiopati, mikroangiopati, neuropat. Organisasi kesehatan dunia (World Health Organization/WHO) jumlah total populasi 9 penderita diabetes tipe 1 dan 2 mencapai 3% dari total jumlah populasi penduduk di seluruh dunia. Prevalensinya sekitar 4-10% di antara populasi penderita diabetes melitus, dengan insiden mengalami luka kaki diabetik selama masa hidup penderitanya mencapai 25%. Luka kaki diabetik dalam jangka waktu yang lama juga memberi dampak negatif pada konsep diri pasien, penghargaan diri sendiri, kualitas hidup, Kesehatan fisik dan emosi, harapan pasien untuk sembuh serta tingkat spiritual pasien. Adapun salah satu dampak dari luka kaki diabetik yaitu amputasi yang dimana itu seharusnya menjadi usaha terakhir yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi persoalan menyelamatkan kaki diabetik. Adapun tujuan Penyuluhan Manajemen Luka Terkini Pada Luka Kaki Diabetik Dalam Situasi Pandemic Covid -19 bagi Para Tenaga Kesehatan di Jakarta selatan dapat mengetahui Manajemen perawatan luka terkini di situasi pandemic covid 19, memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang upaya promosi, prevensi dan lurasi di bidang Kesehatan kulit di situasi pandemic covid 19, mampu memahami perawatan luka berbasis lembab (Moist), Mampu melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan berupa upaya promotive preventif dan kuratif dan rehabilitative di situasi covid 19. Diperlukan penilaian luka secara menyeluruh meliputi penilaian terhadap faktor predisposisi, faktor prognosis dan penampilan luka. Dokumentasikan hasil penilaian luka secara sistematis. Manajemen luka berbeda untuk tiap jenis luka dan tahapan penyembuhan luka. Lakukan penilaian kembali (re-assessment) secara periodik untuk menyesuaikan penatalaksanaan yang akan diberikan.
Kata Kunci: Perawatan Luka Terkini, Luka Kaki Diabetik
Diabetic foot ulcers are a microangiopathic vascular disease and one of the main chronic complications of diabetes mellitus associated with macroangiopathy, microangiopathy, and neuropathies. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the total population of 9 people with type 1 and 2 diabetes reaches 3% of the total population worldwide. Its prevalence is around 4-10% among the population with diabetes mellitus, with the incidence of experiencing diabetic foot sores during the sufferer's lifetime reaching 25%. Diabetic foot wounds in the long term also have a negative impact on the patient's self-concept, self-esteem, quality of life, physical and emotional health, the patient's hope for recovery and the patient's spiritual level. As for one of the effects of diabetic foot wounds, namely amputation which should be the last resort made to overcome the problem of saving diabetic feet. The aim of Counseling on the Latest Wound Management on Diabetic Foot Wounds in a Pandemic Covid -19 Situation for Health Workers in South Jakarta can find out the latest Wound care Management in a situation of the Covid 19 pandemic, provide education to the public about promotion of efforts, prevention and resolution in the field of Skin health in the covid 19 pandemic situation, able to understand moisture-based wound care (Moist), able to carry out pain relief in the form of preventive and curative and rehabilitative promotive efforts in the covid 19 situation. A thorough wound assessment is required including an assessment of predisposing factors, prognostic factors and wound appearance. Document the results of wound judgment in a systematic manner. Wound management is different for each type of wound and the stages of wound healing. Carry out periodic re-assessments to adjust the management that will given.
Keywords: Latest Wound Care, Diabetic Foot Wound
Kata Kunci
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