Literatur Review : Terapi Non-Farmakologis dalam Upaya Pencegahan Depresi Postpartum

Nurul Jannatul Wahidah, Elsa Rahmawati, Fadhila Tsania Richa, Riswi Alinda Fatmawati, Siti Nurhidayati




The postpartum period, or the puerperium, is the time for mothers after childbirth until the reproductive organs return to their normal state, similar to pre-pregnancy conditions, lasting for 40 days or 6 weeks. This marks a new phase in the lives of many mothers, making them susceptible to postpartum depression. The incidence of postpartum depression in mothers is around 13-40%. To analyze non-pharmacological therapies in preventing postpartum depression. Literature search was conducted through Sciencedirect, resulting in 6,171 articles, Pubmed with 242 articles, and Google Scholar with 17,500 articles. Subsequently, screening was performed, yielding 12 qualifying articles. From the search results, five non-pharmacological therapies were identified: music therapy, color therapy, aromatherapy, hypnosis or thought-stopping therapy, spiritual therapy, and cognitive habit therapy. Based on the reviewed research articles, music therapy, color therapy, aromatherapy, hypnosis or thought-stopping therapy, spiritual therapy, and cognitive habit therapy have a significant impact on reducing postpartum depression.


Keywords: Therapy, Non-Pharmacological, Depression, Postpartum, Puerperium




Periode post partum atau masa nifas merupakan masa ibu setelah melahirkan hingga kembalinya organ-organ reproduksi dalam keadaan normal seperti saat sebelum hamil dan berlangsung selama 40 hari atau 6 minggu. Hal ini merupakan kondisi baru dalam fase kehidupan beberapa ibu, sehingga ibu berisiko mengalami depresi postpartum. Angka kejadian depresi postpartum pada ibu sekitar 13-40%. Menganalisis terapi non-farmakologis dalam upaya pencegahan depresi postpartum. Pencarian literature dilakukan melalui database Sciencedirect ditemukan 6.171 artikel, Pubmed 242 artikel, dan Google Scholar sebanyak 17.500 artikel. Kemudian dilakukan penyaringan, dan diperoleh 12 artikel yang memenuhi syarat. Dari hasil pencarian, didapatkan lima terapi non-farmakologi, yakni terapi musik, terapi warna, aromaterapi, hipnosis atau terapi thought stopping, terapi spiritual, dan terapi kebiasaan kognitif. Berdasarkan review artikel penelitian yang didapatkan, terapi musik, terapi warna, aromaterapi, hipnosis atau terapi thought stopping, terapi spiritual, dan terapi kebiasaan kognitif memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap penurunan depresi postpartum.


Kata Kunci: Terapi, Non-Farmakologis, Depresi, Postpartum, Nifas

Kata Kunci

terapi, non-farmakologis, depresi, postpartum, nifas

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