Pengaruh Latihan Range of Motion (ROM) untuk Meningkatkan Kekuatan Otot pada Pasien Stroke Non Hemoragik di Ruang Rawat Inap Berlian RS. Permata Hati Lampung Timur
The prevalence of non-hemorrhagic stroke is quite high, with over 7.6 million cases of ischemic stroke worldwide, 713,783 cases in Indonesia (10.9 ‰), and 22,171 cases in Lampung Province (8.3 ‰). The most prominent clinical manifestation of stroke is the loss of motor function, which leads to a decrease in muscle strength. In the Berlian Inpatient Room at Permata Hati Hospital East Lampung 60% of stroke patients have muscle strength 1-2, and 40% have muscle strength 3-4. ROM exercises are highly useful in maintaining muscle strength and improving joint movement. This study aims to determine the influence of ROM exercises in improving muscle strength in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients. The study used a pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest. The population consisted of non-hemorrhagic stroke patients who were admitted to the Berlian Inpatient Room at Permata Hati Hospital, East Lampung. The sample size was 28 individuals, selected through accidental sampling. The independent variable was ROM exercises, while the dependent variable was muscle strength. Bivariate analysis was conducted using dependent t-test (paired sample t-test). The results of the univariate analysis showed that the average muscle strength before the passive ROM exercises was 2 ± 1.2, and after the exercises, it increased to an average of 2.85 ± 1.19. The bivariate analysis revealed a significant influence of ROM exercises in improving muscle strength in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients (p-value = 0.000). Therefore, it is recommended for nurses to conduct ROM exercises according to the standard operating procedures (SOP) for stroke patients and to motivate the patients' families to continue the passive ROM exercises at home.
Keywords: Range of Motion (ROM), Muscle Strength, Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke.
Prevalensi stroke non hemoragik cukup tinggi, di Dunia terdapat lebih dari 7,6 juta stroke iskemik, di Indonesia sebesar 713.783 kasus (10,9 ‰), dan di Provinsi Lampung sebanyak 22.171 kasus (8,3 ‰). Manifestasi klinis paling menonjol stroke adalah kehilangan motorik yang berdampak menurunnya kekuatan otot. Di Ruang Rawat Inap Berlian RS. Permata Hati Lampung Timur 60% pasien stroke memiliki kekuatan otot 1-2, dan 40% memiliki kekuatan otot 3-4. Latihan ROM sangat berguna untuk mempertahankan kekuatan otot dan meningkatkan gerakan sendi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan diketahuinya pengaruh latihan range of motion (ROM) untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot pada pasien stroke non hemoragik. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan praeksperiment dengan one group pretest posttest. Populasi yaitu seluruh pasien stroke non hemoragik yang dirawat di Ruang Rawat Inap Berlian RS. Permata Hati Lampung Timur, dengan jumlah sampel yaitu 28 orang, menggunakan accidental sampling. Variabel independen yaitu latihan ROM, sedangkan variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini kekuatan otot. Analisis bivariat menggunakan analisis uji T dependent (paired sample t-test. Hasil analisis univariat diperoleh bahwa kekuatan otot sebelum dilakukan latihan ROM pasif rata-rata sebesar 2 ± 1,2, dan setelah dilakukan latihan ROM pasif rata-rata sebesar 2,85 ± 1,19. Hasil analisis bivariat diperoleh adanya pengaruh latihan range of motion (ROM) untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot pada pasien stroke non hemoragik (p-value= 0,000). Oleh karena itu, disarankan bagi perawat diharapkan dapat melakukan latihan ROM sesuai SOP kepada pasien- pasien stroke dan juga memotivasi keluarga pasien untuk melakukan latihan ROM pasif saat perawatan di rumah.
Kata Kunci: Range Of Motion (ROM), Kekuatan Otot , Stroke Non Hemoragik.
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