Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Factors Affecting Service Quality and Physician Performance

Marlina Marlina, Iwan Aflanie, Izaak Zoelkarnain Akbar, Muhammad Abdan Shadiqi, Ardik Lahdimawan




The advent of digitalization in the healthcare sector has significantly underscored the importance of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in primary health services. EMRs serve as a critical tool for storing, accessing, and analyzing patient data efficiently and accurately, which is essential for enhancing the quality of healthcare services. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive bibliometric analysis to identify and understand the various factors affecting the performance and completeness of EMRs in primary health services. Utilizing the Publish or Perish application and relevant keywords such as "Quality of service," "performance," "doctors," "factors," "facilities and infrastructure," "income," "competence," and "communication," a thorough examination of literature from Google Scholar was performed. The analysis focused on fifty top-ranked journals published between 2018 and 2024, classified by publication year, type, citation count, and researcher country. VOSviewer was employed to execute a detailed bibliometric analysis, using occurrence parameters of 4 and term parameters of 16. The findings revealed significant research trends, influential factors, and essential clusters related to the performance and completeness of EMRs. Key insights include that India, Indonesia, and Nigeria are at the forefront of research output in this field, with substantial contributions from prominent publishers such as Springer and Emerald. Critical factors identified include the competence of healthcare providers, the quality of patient care, and effective communication skills. This in-depth analysis offers valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, providing a foundation for optimizing EMR utilization and improving primary healthcare services. Future research should delve into less-explored areas, such as communication skills and patient experiences, to further enhance the effectiveness of EMRs in primary health services.


Keywords: EMR, Performance, Healthcare Quality, Bibliometric Analysis, Primary Health Services

Kata Kunci

Keywords: EMR, performance, healthcare quality, bibliometric analysis, primary health services

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