Perubahan Citra Tubuh dan Daya Tarik Seksual Pasca Kanker Ginekologi: Perspektif Seorang Wanita

Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Maria Manungkalit




Body image is one component of self-concept that forms individual perceptions of sexual attractiveness. Women with gynecologic cancer experience many physical changes from the diagnosis to therapy period. Therefore, they may experience changes in their perception of body image and sexual attractiveness. This study aims to explore changes in body image impacting sexual attractiveness after gynecological cancer diagnosis from women’s perspective. This qualitative study used a phenomenological design. The population was all women with gynecological cancer in the working area of the Pacar Keling Health Center, Surabaya. Informants were selected by purposive sampling (n=12). Instruments were interview guide, observation sheet, and voice recorder. Data analysis used thematic analysis with a nine-step approach of Collaizi method. The results validity was obtained through data triangulation to informants, researcher’s experience, and literature review. The majority was elderly with sufficient education, married, and live with their husbands. Breast cancer was the main cases. Pain was the most complained by informants. Most of them had undergone trimodality of cancer therapy. Physical changes occured include cancer wounds, post-op wounds, various physical symptoms of cancer, fatigue, gastrointestinal symptoms, hair loss, darkening of the skin, and pain. All of these changes may trigger negative and positive emotions. Informants stated that their body image did not change significantly, so there was no change in perception of sexual attractiveness after cancer. In general, there is no change in post-cancer body image triggered by gynecological cancer-related physical changes, so that there is no change in perception of sexual attractiveness in women with gynecologic cancer.


Keywords: Body Image, Gynecological Cancer, Physical Changes, Sexual Attractiveness, Women’s Perspective




Citra tubuh merupakan salah satu komponen dari konsep diri yang membentuk persepsi individu terhadap daya tarik seksualnya. Wanita penderita kanker ginekologi mengalami banyak perubahan fisik sejak didiagnosis hingga masa terapi sehingga berpotensi mengalami perubahan persepsi terhadap citra tubuh dan daya tarik seksualnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi perubahan citra tubuh yang berdampak pada daya tarik seksual pasca diagnosis kanker ginekologi dari sudut pandang wanita penderita kanker. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan desain fenomenologi. Populasi adalah semua wanita penderita kanker ginekologi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pacar Keling, Surabaya. Informan dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling (n=12). Instrumen meliputi pedoman wawancara, lembar observasi, dan alat perekam suara. Analisis data menggunakan analisis tematik dengan pendekatan sembilan tahap metode Collaizi. Validitas hasil penelitian diperoleh melalui triangulasi data kepada informan, pengalaman peneliti, dan telaah pustaka.  Mayoritas informan berusia lanjut dengan pendidikan yang cukup, berstatus menikah dan tinggal serumah dengan suaminya. Penyakit yang diderita mayoritas kanker payudara dengan keluhan utama nyeri dan sudah menjalani trimodalitas terapi kanker. Perubahan fisik yang terjadi meliputi luka kanker, luka post-op, gejala fisik kanker yang bervariasi, fatigue, gejala gastrointestinal, rambut rontok, kulit menghitam, dan rasa nyeri. Semua hal itu dapat memicu timbulnya emosi negatif maupun positif. Informan menyatakan citra tubuh tidak berubah secara signifikan, sehingga tidak terjadi perubahan persepsi terhadap daya tarik seksual pasca kanker. Secara umum, tidak terjadi perubahan citra tubuh pasca kanker yang dipicu oleh perubahan fisik sehingga tidak terjadi perubahan persepsi terhadap daya tarik seksual wanita penderita kanker ginekologi.


Kata Kunci: Citra Tubuh, Daya Tarik Seksual, Kanker Ginekologi, Perspektif Wanita, Perubahan Fisik

Kata Kunci

citra tubuh, daya tarik seksual, kanker ginekologi; perspektif wanita; perubahan fisik

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