Factors related to delayed initiation of antiretroviral therapy among patients with clinically eligible HIV-infected
Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), namely a virus that reduces the ability of the human immune system, so that sufferers are susceptible to various diseases, the wider scope of ARV administration certainly has a positive impact in reducing mortality and morbidity, improving the quality of life of patients with HIV and AIDS.
Purpose: To determine the factors associated with delayed initiation of antiretroviral therapy in Human Immunodeficiency Virus patients at the VCT (Voluntary Counseling and Testing) Clinic of Pringsewu Hospital in 2022.
Method: This type of quantitative research, using a cross sectional design. The population of this study were HIV positive patients at the Pringsewu Regional General Hospital Clinic, Lampung for the year 2022, namely 174 patients, using the side total technique. Univariate data analysis, bivariate with chi square and multivariate with multiple logistic regression tests.
Results: The result showed that the factors associated with delayed initiation of antiretroviral therapy in Human Immunodeficiency Virus patients at the VCT Clinic at Pringsewu General Hospital in 2022 were Socioeconomic Status (p value=0.009), education level (p value=0.001, opportunistic infections (p value= 0.001), HIV/AIDS Stigma (p value=0.003), and Access (p value=0.018). The most dominant factor associated with delayed initiation of antiretroviral therapy in patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection was access (95% CI, p=0.027 and OR; 3.738).
Conclusion: Antiretroviral therapy (ARV) delays in PLWHA are strongly influenced by low socioeconomic status, low education level, presence of opportunistic infections, positive stigma and remote access to healthcare services.
Suggestion: Management at the hospital's VCT clinic is suggested to make guidelines or standardized services, educate about the importance of ARVs, provide motivation, and carry out consistent control of ARV therapy. The management always promotes the importance of awareness and adherence in carrying out ARV therapy which will have many benefits in improving quality of life, healthy behavior, and extending life span.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/minh.v6i4.11752
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