Injuries among wheelchair basketball players: A systematic review

Novita Sri Wulandari, Suryo Saputra Perdana, Amalia Nur Azizah


Background: Injuries in wheelchair basketball athletes have detrimental physical and psychological impacts on sports performance. There are numerous injuries occurring during wheelchair basketball games, be it during practice, competitions, or post-events.

Purpose: This research aims to determine the frequently occurring injuries among wheelchair basketball athletes.

Method: A systematic search was conducted across five databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Web of Science, and Sports Discus). A systematic review was conducted on Cross-Sectional Studies, and the study quality assessment was performed using NIH.

Results: From the systematic review of 5 articles, it indicated that the commonly occurring injury rate focused on the sacral area, accounting for 19.3%.

Conclusion: Efforts to reduce the risk of injuries in athletes, particularly in the sacral area, can enhance their quality of life and their ability to achieve better outcomes. 


Incidence Rate; Parasport Injuries; Wheelchair Athlete; Wheelchair Basketball

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