Effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral group therapy program for reducing violence risk in persons with schizophrenia

Putri Karlinda, Teguh Pribadi, Sulastri Sulastri


Background: Violent behavior is the dominant sign and symptom in patients with schizophrenia. Proper nursing care can help patients independently control violent behavior. A cognitive behavioral group therapy program  in stimulation of perception to identify their experience of violent behavior.

Purpose: Knowing the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral group therapy program for reducing violence risk in persons with schizophrenia

Methods: A quantitative research by design an experimental analytic with pre and post-experiment approach. The sample was 18  inpatient at mental hospital, Lampung Indonesia. By criteria who has a experience of violent behavior.

Results: The average score of (pre-treatment) a cognitive behavioral group therapy program  in stimulation of perception of 7.94 (SD± 2.838) (post-treatment) of 10.50 ( SD±2.203). The test results obtained p-value = 0,000, therefore, there is a significant effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral group therapy program for reducing violence risk in persons with schizophrenia.

Conclusion: The evident a significant effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral group therapy program for reducing violence risk in persons with schizophrenia. Suggestions to hospital management to be regularly to apply that therapy as an effort to help clients in control of their violent behavior.


A cognitive behavioral; Group therapy program; Violence risk; Schizophrenia

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/minh.v3i1.2869


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