Work environment on job satisfaction of public health centre (Puskesmas) staff nurses related self-efficacy

Riny Apriani, Elvi Susanti Lubis


Background: Based on data in the public health centre (Puskesmas). The ratio between the number of nurses  and the number of population is irrational, so that the human resources need to be managed properly.

Purpose: To analyze of work environment on job satisfaction of public health centre (Puskesmas) staff nurses related self-efficacy

Methods:  This research was conducted from March 2020 to June 2020. The data used are primary data, the data  collection method uses the survey method, uses a saturate sample, where the sample is totally the number of 15  nurses as respondents. The method of analysis uses multiple linear regression

Results: Showing that the self-efficacy and work environment variables have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction either partially or simultaneously.

Conclusion: Management of public health centres (Puskesmas)  must be able to maintain and improve nurses' self-efficacy and working conditions so that nurses will feel satisfied at work. Job satisfaction taken by nurses will result in professional and optimal service.


Work environment; Job satisfaction; Public Health Centre (Puskesmas); Staff nurses; Self-efficacy


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