Pengembangan Desa Dalam Adaptasi Terhadap Banjir Rob (Studi Kasus: Desa Eretan Wetan)

Yulia Asyiawati, Jody Oskar, Aulia Nur Azizah




Banjir rob menyebabkan perubahan penggunaan lahan, menjadi semakin  sempit atau bahkan hilang akibat tenggelam. Walaupun wilayahnya sering dilanda banjir rob, namun masyarakat Desa Eretan Wetan memilih untuk tetap tinggal di daerahnya walaupun sudah diusulkan untuk dilakukannya realokasi ke wilayah lain. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi pengembangan desa dalam adaptasi terhadap banjir rob. Dalam penelitian ini metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Metode Penelitian Kombinasi (Mix Methods) kualitatif dan kuantitatif sebagai dasar dalam penentuan strategi pengembangan wilayah desa pesisir. Analisis kuantitatif yang dilakukan adalah analisis   tutupan lahan yang tergenang air saat banjir rob, beserta metode deskriptif kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai kondisi masyarakat, dampak, dan adaptasi yang dilakukan. Untuk mengetahui hasil dilakukan pengidentifikasian, penginventarisasian, survey lapangan, observasi, dan pengumpulan data. Sedangkan metode Kualitatif digunakan metode Etnografi untuk mengetahui budaya kelompok masyarakat dalam upaya adaptasi banjir rob dengan variabel-variabel dalam penelitian meliputi karakteristik sosial, ekonomi, fisik dan pola adaptasi masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis adaptasi yang dilakukan masyarakat dalam menghadapi banjir adalah adaptasi struktural dan non-struktural. Pola adaptasi dilakukan masyarakat secara bertahap sesuai dengan kemampuan ekonomi setiap individu. Bentuk pola adaptasi masyarakat di Desa Eretan Wetan yaitu memperkuat ketahanan bangunan (meninggikan lantai, menambah lantai bangunan, menaikkan jalan), menyelamatkan harta benda (menaikkan ke tempat yang lebih tinggi, dipindahkan ke lantai 2, dan dipindahkan sementara ke tempat penampungan/evakuasi yaitu di Gereja atau masjid.


Kata kunci: adaptasi, banjir rob, dampak, pengembangan




Village Development In Adaptation Against Rob Floods (Case Study: Eretan Wetan Village). Tidal floods cause changes in land use, becoming narrower or even disappearing due to sinking. Even though the area is often hit by tidal floods, the people of Eretan Wetan Village choose to remain in their area even though it has been proposed to reallocate to another area. The aim of this research is to identify village development in adaptation to tidal floods. In this research, the approach used is a qualitative and quantitative Combination Research Methods (Mix Methods) approach as a basis for determining development strategies for coastal village areas. The quantitative analysis carried out was an analysis of land cover that was flooded during tidal floods, along with a quantitative descriptive method which aims to provide information about community conditions, impacts and adaptations carried out. To find out the results, identification, inventory, field survey, observation and data collection were carried out. Meanwhile, the qualitative method uses ethnographic methods to determine the culture of community groups in efforts to adapt to tidal floods. with the variables in the research including social, economic, physical characteristics and community adaptation patterns. The research results show that the types of adaptation carried out by the community in dealing with floods are structural and non-structural adaptation. The adaptation pattern is carried out by the community in stages according to the economic capabilities of each individual. The form of community adaptation pattern in Eretan Wetan Village is strengthening the resilience of buildings (raising floors, adding building floors, raising roads), saving property (raising to a higher place, moving to the 2nd floor, and temporarily moving to a shelter/evacuation area, namely in Church or mosque.


Keywords: adaptation, rob flood, impact, development

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