Pengedalian Mutu Batubara Dengan Teknik Distribusi Normal
Batubara jenis thermal coal paling banyak digunakan pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU). Batubara yang dipasok ke PLTU memiliki spesifikasi tertentu yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi boiler, pemilihan batubara yang tidak tepat akan menimbulkan masalah pada boiler. Pemasok batubara bagi PLTU harus melakukan pengendalian mutu untuk meminimalkan risiko berupa penyesuaian harga atau penolakan melalui analisis proksimat, analisis ultimat, dan analisis calorific value. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengolah data hasil analisis sehingga diketahui kondisi batubara existing dan prediksi harga batubara. Dari hasil pengolahan data dengan teknik distribusi normal, mutu batubara existing termasuk spesifikasi medium calorific value ditinjau dari parameter Gross Calorific Value (GCV), Total Moisture (TM), dan Volatile Matter (VM). Ditinjau dari parameter GCV, batubara existing termasuk batubara bituminus yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan PLTU. Dengan asumsi harga dasar $308/ton, akibat mutu batubara existing pada parameter nilai GCV, diprediksi harga batubara existing lebih rendah dari harga dasar, 68.92% seharga $224.106/ton, 30.84% seharga $263.081/ton, dan 0.01% seharga $282.569/ton.
Kata Kunci: batubara, distribusi normal, pengendalian mutu
Coal Quality Control with Normal Distribution. The thermal coal type is most widely used in Steam Power Plants (PLTU). The coal supplied to the PLTU has certain specifications that are in accordance with the boiler specifications. Improper coal selection will cause problems in the boiler. Coal suppliers for PLTUs must carry out quality control to minimize the risk, such as: price adjustments or rejection through proximate analysis, ultimate analysis and calorific value analysis. This research is aimed at processing data from the analysis so that the condition of existing coal is known and predictions of coal prices are known. From the results of data processing using normal distribution techniques, the quality of existing coal includes medium calorific value specifications in terms of the parameters Gross Calorific Value (GCV), Total Moisture (TM), and Volatile Matter (VM). Judging from the GCV parameters, the existing coal includes bituminous coal which is in accordance with the needs of the PLTU. Assuming a base price of $308/ton, due to the quality of existing coal in the GCV value parameters, it is predicted that the existing coal price will be lower than the base price, 68.92% at $224,106/ton, 30.84% at $263,081/ton, and 0.01% at $282,569/ton.
Keywords: coal, normal distribution, quality control
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