Aziz Rizki Miftahul Ilmi, Erna Puspita




Keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS) adalah keterampilan abad 21 yang meliputi berpikir kritis, reflektif, logis, metakonisi, dan berpikir kreatif dalam memecahkan masalah baru (King et al., 2012). Keterampilan ini juga mencakup kemampuan dalam taksonomi Bloom yang meliputi kemmpuan analisis, sintesis, dan evaluasi. Skill ini penting karena era industri 4.0 menuntut setiap pelaku industri memiliki HOTS. Dalam kurikulum nasional pembelajaran bertujuan untuk membekali peserta didik dengan berbagai kemampuan antara lain kreatif, kritis, kolaboratif, komunikatif, dan mampu menggunakan pengetahuan untuk memecahkan masalah. Pentingnya HOTS dalam menghadapi tantangan zaman menjadi dasar mengangkat isu ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif melalui studi literatur untuk menjawab beberapa permasalahan diantaranya: Apa yang dimaksud dengan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi? Mengapa keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi harus dilatih dalam pembelajaran? Bagaimana cara melatih keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi dalam pembelajaran? Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa HOTS merupakan keterampilan yang sangat penting untuk dilatihkan dalam pembelajaran karena merupakan amanat kurikulum nasional dan juga menjalankan fungsi pendidikan sebagai upaya mempersiapkan peserta didik menghadapi tantangan abad ini. Selain itu, pengembangan pembelajaran HOTS harus memperhatikan beberapa hal antara lain: model dan pendekatan yang digunakan, kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan, permasalahan yang disajikan, dan kompetensi yang diajarkan dan dinilai.

Kata kunci:  pembelajaran sains, HOTS, higher-order thinking skills





Teaching Higher Order Skills In The Classroom. Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) are one of the skills that must be mastered in the 21st century. These skills include critical thinking, reflective thinking, logical thinking, metacognition, and creative thinking in solving a new problem (King et al., 2012). These skills also include abilities in bloom’s taxonomy which includes the top three levels of taxonomy analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. This skill is important because industry era 4.0 requires every industry player to have HOTS. On the other hand, learning is a process carried out to prepare humans to face the challenges of the century. In the National Curriculum, science learning has the aim of equipping students with a variety of abilities including creative, critical, collaborative, communicative, and able to use knowledge to solve problems. The importance of higher-order thinking skills in facing the challenges of the times is the basis for raising this issue. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods through literature studies to answer several problems including What are higher-order thinking skills? Why should higher-order thinking skills be trained in learning? How to train higher-order thinking skills in learning? The results of this study show that HOTS is a very important skill to be trained in learning. This is because it is the mandate of the national curriculum and also a function of education as an effort to prepare students to face the challenges of this century. In addition, the development of HOTS learning must pay attention to several things including the models and approaches used, the learning activities carried out, the problems presented, and the competencies taught and assessed.


Keywords: learning sains, HOTS, higher-order thinking skills


: Leraning Sains, HOTS, Higher-Order Thinking Skills

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