Penurunan Kadar Asam Urat Setelah Pemberian Rebusan Daun Salam pada Lansia
ABSTRACT : THE DECREASE OF URIC ACID LEVELS AFTER GIVING SALAM LEAVES BOOKIN IN ELDERLY Background: Gout is a dominant health problem in various countries, both in developed countries and in developing countries, although the prevalence of gout in the world globally has not been recorded. Purpose : This study aims to identify the application of therapeutic interventions for giving bay leaf water decoction to reduce uric acid levels for the elderly. Result : This type of research is a case study design, which is a form of research (inquiry) or case studies and interventions about a problem that has a specificity (particularty). Results: The results of the study on 4 respondents who experienced a decrease in uric acid levels in the elderly after being given a decoction of bay leaves with an average value of 6.0 mg/dl. Conclusion: the conclusion from the study of giving bay leaf decoction to gout sufferers has shown a significant decrease in uric acid levels on the sixth day. Keywords : Elderly, Gout, Salam Leaves, Uric Acid Levels ABSTRAK PENURUNAN KADAR ASAM URAT SETELAH PEMBERIAN REBUSAN DAUN SALAM PADA LANSIA Latar Belakang : Gout merupakan suatu masalah kesehatan yang dominan diberbagai negara, baik di negara – negara maju maupun di negara – negara berkembang, meskipun angka prevalensi gout di dunia secara global belum tercatat. Tujuan : Penelitian Ini bertujuan Untuk Teridentifikasi Penerapan Intervensi Terapi Pemberian Rebusan Air Daun Salam Untuk Menurunkan Kadar Asam Urat Bagi Lansia. Metode Penelitian : Jenis penelitian ini adalah case study design yaitu suatu bentuk penelitian (inquiry) atau studi kasus dan intervensi tentang suatu masalah yang memiliki sifat kekhususan (particularty). Hasil : Hasil penelitian pada 4 responden yang dilakukan mengalami penurunan kadar asam urat pada lansia setelah diberikan rebusan daun salam dengan rerata nilai 6,0 mg/dl. Kesimpulan : simpulan dari penelitian pemberian rebusan daun salam pada penderita asam urat telah menunjukan penurunan kadar asam urat yang signifikan pada hari ke enam. Kata Kunci : Asam Urat, Daun Salam, Kadar Asam Urat, Lansia
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Publisher: Universitas Malahayati Lampung
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