Journal History

First published in 2007

  • HJK has been using Open Journal System. The author was required to register online before uploading the manuscript. Afterwards, the editors, peer reviewers, and writers can monitor the manuscript processing.


  • [May 2007] HJK was launching by The Association of Ners Alumni of Malahayati  University, and by (Print Version) International Standard Serial Number (ISSN number 1978-3337) [by Indonesian Institute of Science,  29 May 2007 (Vol. 1, No. 1, July 2007)].
  • The journal publishes every three months in January, April, July and October by 9 articles in each edition.


  • [January 2018] HJK proposed by Teguh Pribadi (He requested an application letter to vice rector , for requesting (online version) an ISSN to Indonesian Institute of Science which has eligibility and authority in Indonesia.
  • [May 07, 2018] HJK got  (online version) International Standard Serial Number  (ISSN number 2620-7478) [by Indonesian Institute of Science, DecreeNo. 0005.26207478/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2018.05 - 15 April  2018  (Vol. 12, No. 2, April 2018)]


  • The Journal has a rank 4 according to Science and Technology Index (SINTA) SK NO. 10/E/KPT/2019 by Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency of Republic Indonesia from Volume 11, Number 1 (2017) until Volume  15, Number 4 (2021)
  • Publication Frequency, the journal publishes every three months, the published month edition changed follow in to the academic calendar to March, June, September and December, started in volume 13 number 1 (March 2019).
  • The total articles have risen from 9 to 20 articles each edition started in volume 13 number 4 (December 2019)


  • Publication Frequency and the total volume has risen from 4 to 8 in a year and 10 articles in each edition started in volume 16 number 1 (March 2022). The schedule published on March, April, June, July, September, October, December, and January
  • Publisher Ikatan Ners Alumni Universitas Malahayati bekerjasama dengan PSIK Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Malahayati