Nurul Azizah* -  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia
ABSTRACT Background Failed process involution uterus puerperal can cause bleeding. Back Massage and postpartum gymnastics can stimulate hormone oxytocin causes uterine contractions.Purpose identify Comparison of Back Massage and Postpartum Gymnastics on Involuntary Uterine in Post Partum. Method research design used quasi experimental with post test only non equivalent control group design. Samplings using quota sampling 90 respondents divided into 3 groups. Bivariable analysis using repeated measurement with clinical significance used mean 95% interval with P<0.05, multivariable analysis using linear regression. Result shows a significant difference of uterine involution in each group, overall mean -1.700 (95% CI:-2,26 - (-1,37) with P<0.05, back massage group using Clary-sage essential oil compared to gymnastics postpartum group. Back massage group using Clary-sage essential oil (salvia sclarea) showed faster processes of uterine involution than post-partum gymnastics group. Multivariable analysis showed value of P<0.05 with regression coefficient of back massage 0.835 (CI-0.799-1.091), suggesting significantly greater association of uterine involution in back massage intervention group after controlled by parity variables and maternal age, with adjusted values R2 0.621, it means reduction in fundal uteri level 62,1% in a day.Conclusion is mothers who received back massage using Clary-sage essential oil experienced faster uterine involutions compared with other groups of postpartum Suggestion Further research is needed in order to identify the effect of back using Clary sage essential oil on uterine involution of oxytocin hormone levels through venous blood tests before and after intervention, so as to identify with certainty the effect of back massage using Clary sage essential oil accurately in increasing hormone concentrations. oxytocin in the blood. 

Keywords : Back Massage, Postpartum  Gymnastics, Involution uterus




Latar Belakang Involusi uteri masa nifas gagal mengakibatkan perdarahan. Back Massage dan senam nifas merangsang hormon oksitosin memicu kontraksi uterus. Tujuan mengidentifikasi Perbandingan Back Massage dan Senam Nifas terhadap Involusi Uteri.

Metode penelitian menggunakan quasi eksperimental with post test only non equivalent control group design, pengambilan sampel dengan quota sampling sampel sebanyak 90 responden dibagi 3 kelompok. Analisis bivariabel menggunakan repeated measurement dengan kemaknaan klinis mean dan cofidence interval 95% dengan nilai P<0,05, analisis multivariabel menggunakan regresi linier. Analisis bivariabel menunjukkan terdapat perbedaaan involusi uteri pada masing-masing kelompok, Δoverall mean -1.700(95% CI:-2,26-(-1,37) dengan nilai p<0.05 yakni kelompok back massage menggunakan minyak esensial Clary sage menunjukkan involusi uteri lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan kelompok senam nifas secara signifikan.

Hasil analisis multivariabel menunjukkan nilai p<0,05 dengan koefisien regresi  pijat punggung sebesar 0,835 (CI-0,799-1,091). Adanya hubungan yang bermakna bahwa involusi uteri lebih cepat pada kelompok intervensi pijat punggung setelah dikontrol dengan variabel paritas dan umur ibu, dengan nilai adjusted R2  sebesar 0,621, yakni penurunan tinggi fundus uteri mencapai 62,1% perhari.

Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini Ibu yang mendapatkan intervensi pijat punggung menggunakan minyak esensial Clary sage mengalami involusi uteri lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan kelompok lain.

Saran Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan agar dapat mengidentifikasi pengaruh back menggunakan minyak esensial Clary sage terhadap involusi uteri terhadap kadar hormon oksitosin melalui pemeriksaan darah vena sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi, sehingga dapat mengidentifikasi secara pasti pengaruh pijat punggung menggunakan minyak esensial Clary sage secara akurat dalam meningkatkan kosentrasi hormon oksitosin dalam darah.


Kata kunci : Back Massage, Senam Nifas, Involusi uterus


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