The Effectiveness Of Topical Breast Milk (Breastmilk) Methods, Sterile Gauze And Non-Treatment Methods On The Duration Of The Umbilical Cord Detachment

Emilda Emilda* -  Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh, Indonesia
Fithriany Fithriany -  Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh, Indonesia

Latar Belakang : Perawatan tali pusat penting untuk mencegah infeksi pada bayi baru lahir. Infeksi tali pusat merupakan penyebab penting dalam angka kematian bayi (AKB) di negara berkembang, dengan kejadian mencapai 55-97/1000 kelahiran hidup.

Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat Perbandingan Metode Topikal ASI (Breastmilk), Kasa Steril dan Non Treatment Terhadap Lamanya Pelepasan Tali Pusat (Umbilical Cord) di Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Langsa Tahun 2018.

Metode : Penelitian ini mengunakan rancangan  quasi experimental design studi Kohort Prospektif dengan Without control group design. Pengamatan dilakukan setelah dilakukan perlakukan Metode Topikal ASI (Breastmilk), Kasa Steril dan Non Treatment Terhadap Lamanya Pelepasan Tali Pusat (Umbilical Cord), Jumlah sampel untuk setiap kelompok sebanyak 10 orang Neonatus per kelompoknya. Analisis yang digunakan adalah One-Way ANOVA.

Hasil : menunjukan lamanya pelepasan tali pusat rata-rata untuk ketiga metode selama 6 hari, sedangkan waktu tercepat pelepasan tali pusat selama 98,45 Jam (4 hari) dengan metode Topikal ASI (Breastmilk) dan waktu terlama pelepasan tali pusat selama 178,39 Jam (7 hari)  dengan metode Kasa Steril dan Non Treatment

dan hasil uji One-Way ANOVA. menunjukan ada perbedaan yang signifikan dengan nilai p Value sebesar 0,002.

Kesimpulan : Hasil ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan diantara tiga kelompok perlakuan dalam lamanya pelepasan tali pusat.

Saran : Penyuluhan kesehatan bagi masyarakat dalam menentukan bahan perawatan tali pusat dengan baik dan sesuai prosedur sehingga bayi terhindar dari infeksi tali pusat baik menggunakan metode Topikal ASI (Breastmilk), kasa steril maupun menggunakan metode lainnya.


Kata Kunci : Kasa steril, non treatment, pelepasan tali pusat , topikal ASI (breastmilk)




Background : Umbilical cord care is important to prevent infection in newborns. Umbilical cord infections are a leading cause of infant mortality (IMR) in developing countries, with incidence reaching 55-97 / 1000 live births.

Purpose: to know the comparison of topical breast milk methods, sterile gauze and non-treatment on the duration of umbilical cord detachment in the work area of Langsa City Health Service in 2018

Methods: this study used a quasi-experimental prospective cohort study design with Without control group design. Observations were carried out after treatment using topical breast milk method, Sterile Gauze method and Non- Treatment method on the umbilical cord detachment. Then, the number of samples for each group was 10 neonates per group. The data analysis used was one-way ANOVA

Results: the results showed that the average length of umbilical cord detachment for the three methods was 6 days, while the fastest time of the umbilical cord detachment was 98.45 hours (4 days) using  the topical breast milk method and the longest time of the umbilical cord detachment was 178.39 Hours (7 days) with Sterile Gauze method and Non-Treatment method. Then, one-way ANOVA test results showed that there was a significant difference with the value p value of 0.002.

Conclusions: based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that there were differences between the three treatment groups in the duration of the umbilical cord detachment.

Suggestion: health education for the community in determining the material for umbilical cord care properly should be according to the procedure so that babies are protected from umbilical cord infection either using the Topical Breast milk method, sterile gauze or other methods.


Keywords:  Sterile Gauze, Non-Treatment, Umbilical Cord Detachment, Topical Breast milk

Keywords : Kebidanan

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