Meta-Analysis Study of The Effect of Rewards on Nurse Job Satisfaction In Health Services

Yan'ariyanti Wydyiastuti* -  Master of Public Health Study Program, Faculty Of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia
Rosihan Adhani -  Faculty of Medicine, LambungMangkurat University, Indonesia
Adi Nugroho -  Faculty of Medicine, LambungMangkurat University, Indonesia
Eko Suhartono -  Faculty of Medicine, LambungMangkurat University, Indonesia
Fauzie Rahman -  Faculty of Medicine, LambungMangkurat University, Indonesia

Latar Belakang: Penghargaan berupa penghargaan yang diberikan oleh institusi atau fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan kepada perawat atas pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan, baik penghargaan intrinsik maupun ekstrinsik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh penghargaan terhadap kepuasan kerja pada perawat. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode systematic review dengan meta-analisis. Termasuk dua database PubMed dan Perpustakaan Online Wiley. Artikel penelitian telah melalui tahap penyaringan dan uji kualitas data dan diperoleh 7 artikel untuk dianalisis. Hasil: Kesempatan belajar memiliki kecenderungan berpengaruh besar terhadap kepuasan kerja perawat dengan nilai ES 1,15, promosi memiliki kecenderungan berpengaruh besar terhadap kepuasan kerja perawat dengan nilai ES 0,56, gaji memiliki kecenderungan berpengaruh besar terhadap kepuasan kerja perawat dengan nilai 0,43, penghargaan kompetensi/bonus cenderung berpengaruh besar terhadap kepuasan kerja perawat dengan nilai ES 3,45. Kesimpulan: Reward kompetensi, kesempatan belajar, promosi, dan gaji memiliki I-kuadrat yang besar. Tingkat kepuasan pada artikel yang disintesis menunjukkan persentase yang berbeda. Dari semua artikel yang disintesis, lebih dari 50% perawat merasakan kepuasan kerja.


Kata kunci: Penghargaan, pengakuan, promosi, kesempatan belajar, gaji, imbalan kompensasi, bonus, perawat, kepuasan kerja




Backgrounds: Awards in the form of rewards given by institutions or health care facilities to nurses for the work they have done, both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of appreciation of job satisfaction in nurses. Methods: This study uses a systematic review method with meta-analysis.Includedtwo PubMed databases and the Wiley Online Library. The research articles have gone through the screening and data quality test stages and obtained 7 articles for analysis. Results: Learning opportunities have a tendency to have a large effect on job satisfaction of nurses with an ES value of 1.15, promotions have a tendency to have a large effect on job satisfaction of nurses with an ES value of 0.56, salaries have a tendency to have a large effect on job satisfaction of nurses with a value of 0.43 , competency rewards/bonuses tend to have a large effect on nurse job satisfaction with an ES value of 3.45. Conclusion:Reward competence, learning opportunities, promotions, and salaries have a large I-squared. The level of satisfaction in the synthesized articles shows a different percentage. From all the articles synthesized, more than 50% of nurses felt job satisfaction.


Keywords:Awards, recognition, promotion, learning opportunities, salary, compensation rewards, bonuses, nurse, job satisfaction

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