Contribution Of Pregnant Women Class To The Participation Of Pregnant Women In Pregnancy Exercises

Nurul Eko Widiyastuti -  STIKes Banyuwangi, Indonesia
Miftahul Hakiki* -  STIKes Banyuwangi, Indonesia

Latar belakang: Kelas ibu hamil merupakan sarana untuk belajar bersama yang membahas materi buku KIA berupa tatap muka dalam kelompok yang diikuti oleh ibu-ibu hamil dengan umur kehamilan antara 20-32 minggu yang didampingi oleh suami/keluarga, serta difasilitasi oleh bidan/tenaga kesehatan dengan jumlah peserta maksimal 10 orang. Salah satu materi kelas ibu hamil adalah senam hamil yang bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan fisik dan mental ibu dalam menghadapi dan mempersiapkan persalinan cepat, aman dan spontan. Namun, masih banyak ibu hamil yang belum mengerti dan menyadari bahwa latihan senam hamil yang diajarkan dalam kelas ibu hamil berguna untuk proses persalinan yang lebih baik dibandingkan ibu hamil yang tidak melakukann senam hamil. Di balai desa Jambesari sudah dijadwalkan 3 kali seminggu program kelas ibu hamil dengan rata-rata kehadiran 5-8 ibu hamil, banyak ibu hamil yang tidak mengikuti kelas ibu hamil dikarenakan suami kerja diluar kota sehingga tidak ada yang mengantar saat ada jadwal kelas ibu hamil, ibu hamil bekerja di toko saat ada jadwal kelas ibu hamil, ibu hamil kelupaan saat ada jadwal kelas ibu hamil dan ada beberapa ibu hamil yang belum pernah sama sekali mengikuti kelas ibu hamil. Tujuan penelitian: untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi kelas ibu hamil terhadap keaktifan ibu hamil dalam mengikuti senam hamil. Metode penelitian: menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan desain quasi experiment dengan pendekatan pre-post test design without control, dengan total sampling sejumlah 45 ibu hamil yang berada di Desa Jambesari, dan analisa data menggunakan uji T-test. Hasil penelitian: Nilai probabilitas/p value uji T paired 0,000 > 0,05 (95 % kepercayaan) yang artinya ada perbedaan antara pre dan post perlakuan untuk variabel kelas ibu hamil. Nilai Mean 0,37778, dimana ada kecenderungan terjadinya peningkatan keikutsertaan ibu hamil dalam mengikuti kelas ibu hamil setelah dilakukan perlakuan, dengan rata-rata peningkatan 0,37778 setiap kali kegiatan kelas ibu hamil berlangsung. Nilai probabilitas/p value uji T paired 0,001 > 0,05 (95 % kepercayaan) yang artinya ada perbedaan antara pre dan post perlakuan untuk variabel senam hamil. Nilai Mean 0,22222, dimana ada kecenderungan terjadinya perubahan perilaku ibu hamil untuk rutin melakukan senam hamil di balai desa setelah dilakukan perlakuan, dengan rata-rata peningkatan 0,22222 setiap kali kegiatan senam hamil. Kesimpulan: Kegiatan kelas ibu hamil berkontribusi besar dalam perubahan perilaku ibu hamil untuk mengikuti senam hamil secara rutin karena terbukti bermanfaat bagi ibu hamil, salah satunya mampu mengurangi kecemasan ibu hamil dalam menghadapi proses persalinan dan juga mengurangi keluhan pegal-pegal di punggung dan pinggang selama kehamilannya. Saran: disarankan kepada pihak Puskesmas Mojopanggung dan Bidan wilayah untuk melakukan jemput bola pada saat pelaksanaan program kelas ibu hamil, dan dilakukan pendampingan oleh kader kesehatan terhadap ibu hamil selama program kelas ibu hamil di balai desa.


Kata kunci: Ibu Hamil, Kelas Ibu Hamil, Senam Hamil




Background: The class for pregnant women is a means for learning together that discusses MCH handbook material in the form of face-to-face meetings in groups attended by pregnant women between 20-32 weeks of gestation accompanied by their husbands/family, and facilitated by midwives/health workers with a maximum of 10 participants. One of the class materials for pregnant women is pregnancy exercise which aims to prepare the mother physically and mentally to face and prepare for fast, safe and spontaneous labour. However, there are still many pregnant women who do not understand and realize that the exercise of pregnancy exercise that is taught in classes for pregnant women is useful for a better delivery process compared to pregnant women who do not do pregnancy exercise. At the Jambesari village hall, a class program for pregnant women was scheduled 3 times a week with an average attendance of 5-8 pregnant women. Many pregnant women did not attend classes for pregnant women because their husbands worked out of town so that no one accompanied them when there was a class schedule for pregnant women. pregnant women work in shops when there are classes for pregnant women, pregnant women forget when there are class schedules for pregnant women and there are some pregnant women who have never attended a class for pregnant women at all. Research objective: to find out how much the class contribution of pregnant women is to the activity of pregnant women in participating in pregnancy exercise. Research method: using a quantitative descriptive with a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post test design without control approach, with a total sampling of 45 pregnant women in Jambesari Village, and data analysis using the T-test. The results of the study: The probability value/p value of the paired T test is 0.000 > 0.05 (95% confidence), which means that there is a difference between pre and post treatment for class variables of pregnant women. The mean value is 0.37778, where there is a tendency for the participation of pregnant women to attend classes for pregnant women after the treatment, with an average increase of 0.37778 every time the class for pregnant women takes place. The probability value/p value of the paired T test is 0.001 > 0.05 (95% confidence), which means that there is a difference between pre and post treatment for the pregnancy exercise variable. The mean value is 0.22222, where there is a tendency for changes in the behavior of pregnant women to routinely carry out pregnancy exercise at the village hall after treatment, with an average increase of 0.22222 each time the pregnancy exercise is carried out. Conclusion: Class activities for pregnant women contribute greatly to changing the behavior of pregnant women to take part in routine pregnancy exercises because they are proven to be beneficial for pregnant women, one of which is being able to reduce the anxiety of pregnant women in dealing with the delivery process and also reduce complaints of aches in the back and waist during pregnancy. Suggestion: it is suggested to the Mojopanggung Health Center and regional midwives to pick up the ball during the implementation of the pregnant women class program, and provide assistance to pregnant women by health cadres during the pregnant women class program at the village hall.


Keywords: Pregnancy Exercise, Pregnant Women, Pregnant Women Class


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