Pendampingan Pemahaman Aspek Kualitas Air Bersih Spamdes Ngudi Tirto Kulon Progo

Burhan Barid, Aldila Rahmi Zoana, Surya Budi Lesmana




Aspek utama air bersih adalah hal kualias air. Kualitas air bersih mempengaruhi kesehatan manusia sebagai konsumennya. Aspek kuantitas masih menjadi perhatian pertama dalam penyediaan air bersih di pedesaan. Penyediaan air bersih  yang berfokus pada kuantitas menyebabkan aspek kualitas menjadi kurang diperhatikan. Kualitas air bersih seharusnya menjadi perhatian pertama, karena kualitas air bersih yang tercemar membuat masyarakat penggunanya menjadi terganggu kesehatannya dalam jangka panjang. Penentuan nilai aspek kualitas air bersih khususnya pH, Fe (besi), KmnO4 dan DO. Pemahaman pengaruh pencemaran pada air bersih terhadap kesehatan manusia. Kegiatan pengabdian berupa pendampingan pemahaman aspek kualitas air bersih bersama pengelola Organisasi Kelola Air Mandiri Sistem Penyediaan Air Bersih Pedesaan (OKAM SPAMDes) Ngudi Tirto yang berada di Dusun Kebonromo, Kelurahan Giripurwo, Kecamatan Girimulyo, Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Pendampingan dimulai dengan pengambilan sampel air bersih di beberapa titik sistem penyaluran air bersih. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di 8 titik terpilih dari sumber air sampai sambungan rumah terjauh. Sampel yang telah diambil kemudian dilakukan analisis di laboratorium teknik lingkungan UMY. Nilai kualitas diperbandingkan dengan Standar baku mutu kualitas air bersih berdasarkan Peraturan Mentri Kesehatan No. 32 Tahun 2017. Kualitas air bersih yang diperoleh kemudian dijelaskan terhadap pengaruh kesehatannya. Hasil kualitas air bersih yang telah dianalisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai pH terendah sebesar 6,9 dan teringgi 7,8, kadar Fe didapatkan nilai terendah 0,1 mg/l dan nilai tertinggi 0,3 mg/l, kadar KMnO4 didapatkan nilai terendah 6,162 mg/l dan nilai tertinggi 15,01 mg/l, dan kadar DO terendah 1,15 mg/l dan nilai tertinggi 2,7 mg/l. Pendampingan pemahaman aspek kualitas air bersih diberikan kepada pengelola OKAM SPAMDes untuk menjadi perhatian utama. OKAM Ngudi Tirto Lestari dapat memahami aspek kualitas air merupakan hal yang utama karena mempengaruhi kesehatan masyarakat penggunanya.


Kata Kunci: Pendampingan, Kualitas, SPAMDes





The main aspect of clean water is water quality. The quality of clean water affects the health of humans as consumers. The quantity aspect is still the first concern in the provision of clean water in rural areas. The provision of clean water that focuses on quantity causes the quality aspect to become less attention. The quality of clean water should be the first concern, because the quality of polluted clean water will affect the long-term health of the people who use it. Determination of the value of clean water quality aspects, especially pH, Fe (iron), KmnO4 and DO. Understanding the effect of pollution on clean water on human health. Research Method: Community service activities in the form of assistance in understanding aspects of clean water quality with the manager of Ngudi Tirto's Independent Water Management Organization for Rural Clean Water Supply Systems (OKAM SPAMDes) in Kebonromo Hamlet, Giripurwo Village, Girimulyo District, Kulon Progo Regency. Assistance begins with taking samples of clean water at several points of the clean water distribution system. Sampling was carried out at 8 selected points from the water source to the furthest house connection. The samples that were taken were then analyzed at the UMY environmental engineering laboratory. The quality value is compared with the clean water quality standards based on the Minister of Health Regulation No. 32 of 2017. The quality of the clean water obtained is then explained on its health effects. The results of the clean water quality that have been analyzed show that the lowest pH value is 6.9 and the highest is 7.8, the lowest value of Fe is 0.1 mg/l and the highest value is 0.3 mg/l, the lowest value is KMnO4 6.162 mg/l and the highest value was 15.01 mg/l, and the lowest DO content was 1.15 mg/l and the highest value was 2.7 mg/l. Assistance in understanding aspects of clean water quality is given to OKAM SPAMDes managers to be the main concern. OKAM Ngudi Tirto Lestari can understand the aspect of water quality which is the main thing because it affects the health of the people who use it.


Keywords: Assistance, Quality, SPAMDes

Kata Kunci

Pendampingan, kualitas, SPAMDes

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