Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Implementasi Aplikasi Elektronik Suami Siaga Support bagi Ibu (S3I’THA)

Mareta Bakale Bakoil, Ummi Kaltsum S Saleh, Nursusilowaty Nursusilowaty, Diyan Maria Kristin, Veki Edizon Tuhana



Dukungan suami membuat ibu hamil selama kehamilan menjadi kurang stres dan 94,5% mengatakan bahwa dukungan suami memberikan rasa nyaman secara emosional kepada ibu. Selain itu dukungan suami berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan Rumah Tunggu Persalinan dan lamanya proses persalinan (Bakoil & Diaz, 2019; Bakoil, Supriyanto & Koesbardiati, 2017). Tujuan yaitu untuk melakukan implementasi aplikasi Suami Siaga Support bagi Ibu. Metode dalam kegiatan yaitu pengisian aplikasi dan kuesioner. Sasaran adalah suami dan kader posyandu sebanyak 24 orang. Hasil yang diperoleh suami dan kader dapat melakukan penginstallan dan mengisi aplikasi dengan baik serta diperoleh hasil dukungan suami yaitu seluruh suami mendukung ibu dalam proses persalinan dengan kategori dukungan baik.


Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Aplikasi, Suami Siaga, Support, Ibu





Husband's support makes pregnant women feel less stressed during pregnancy and 94.5% said that husband's support gives the mother a sense of emotional comfort. Apart from that, husband's support is related to the use of the Maternity Waiting Center and the length of the labor process (Bakoil MB & Diaz, 2019); (Bakoil, Supriyanto & Koesbardiati, 2017). The aim is to implement the Husband Standby Support application for mothers. The method of activity is filling out applications and questionnaires. The targets were husbands and 24 posyandu cadres. The results obtained by husbands and cadres were able to install and fill out the application well and the results obtained were that husbands' support was that all husbands supported mothers in the birthing process with good support categories.


Keywords: Implementation, Application, Standby Husband, Support, Mother

Kata Kunci

Implementasi, Aplikasi, Suami Siaga, Support, Ibu

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