Program Pendampingan Kepala Keluarga Peduli Stunting di 10 Kelurahan Terpilih di Kota Bandar Lampung

Dessy Hermawan, Devi Kurniasari, Ema Listiyaningsih, Diah Astika Winahyu, Prima Dian Furqoni, Fredy Setiawan




Stunting adalah kondisi anak gagal tumbuh yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan nutrisi dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Dampak stunting dapat mengganggu perkembangan intelektual anak, sehingga masa depan bangsa dapat terganggu. Saat ini, pemerintah telah mencoba menurunkan stunting dengan berbagai cara yang sasarannya adalah remaja putri, ibu hamil, dan balita, namun terkesan kurang melibatkan kepala keluarga (bapak). Padahal kepala keluarga memiliki peran penting di dalam pengambilan keputusan di dalam keluarga.  Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan PkM ini adalah melakukan pendampingan dan edukasi kepada kepala keluarga tentang stunting, faktor risiko dan pencegahannya, serta mengajarkan cara mengelola keuangan keluarga yang benar, sehingga mampu dan mau memindahkan alokasi belanja rokok ke belanja pangan. Kegiatan pendampingan kepala keluarga peduli stunting ini diikuti oleh 200 orang kepala keluarga yang memiliki bayi atau balita dari keluarga berisiko stunting di kota Bandar Lampung.  Kegiatan diawali dengan pre test, kegiatan inti dan diakhiri dengan post test. Tampak terdapat peningkatan pemahaman para kepala keluarga akan pengertian dan faktor risiko terjadinya stunting serta pencegahan stunting. Tampak pula peningkatan pengetahuan kepala keluarga dalam pengelolaan keuangan keluarga serta peningkatan pemahaman tentang bahaya merokok bagi pertumbuhan bayi/balita. Program pendampingan yang diberikan mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan pada kepala keluarga sehingga perlu terus dilakukan upaya percepatan penurunan stunting di kota Bandar Lampung.


Kata Kunci: Stunting, Pendampingan, Kepala Keluarga.




Stunting is a condition where children fail to grow, which is caused by a lack of nutrition over a long period. The impact of stunting can disrupt children's intellectual development so that the future of the nation can be disrupted. Currently, the government has tried to reduce stunting in various ways, targeting young women, pregnant women, and toddlers. However, it seems to be separate from the head of the family (father), even though the head of the family has an important role in decision-making within the family. This PkM activity aims to provide assistance and education to heads of families about stunting, risk factors, and prevention, as well as teach them how to manage family finances correctly so that they are able and willing to shift the allocation of cigarette spending to food spending. This activity of assisting heads of families to care about stunting was attended by 200 heads of families who have babies or toddlers from families at risk of stunting in the city of Bandar Lampung. The activity begins with a pre-test and core activities and ends with a post-test. There is an increase in the understanding of family heads regarding the meaning and risk factors for stunting and preventing stunting. There is also an increase in the knowledge of family heads in managing family finances as well as an increase in understanding about the dangers of smoking for the growth of babies/toddlers. Conclusion: The mentoring program provided is able to increase the knowledge of heads of families, so efforts need to continue to be made to accelerate stunting reduction in the city of Bandar Lampung.


Keywords: Stunting, Mentoring Program, Head Of Family

Kata Kunci

Stunting, pendampingan, kepala keluarga.

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