Pengukuran Antropometri dan Komposisi Tubuh pada Masyarakat di Perumahan Sembungharjo Permai Semarang

Minidian Fasitasari, Suparmi Suparmi, Fadzil Latifah




Kegiatan ini berawal dari permasalahan yang dialami masyarakat di Perumahan Sembungharjo Semarang yang (1) sebagian di antara mereka merasakan kegemukan di usia yang semakin bertambah, (2) ketidaktahuan masyarakat tentang pentingnya pengukuran antropometri dan komposisi tubuh, dan (3) kurangnya ketrampilan masyarakat dalam menjaga kesehatan dengan memonitor antopometri tubuhnya masing-masing. Tujuan: (1) meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pentingnya pengukuran antopometri dan komposisi tubuh, (2) meningkatkan ketrampilan masyarakat dalam memonitor antropometri tubuhnya masing-masing, dan (3) meningkatkan self-efficacy masyarakat untuk memperbaiki status gizinya dengan self-monitoring antropometri. Kegiatan yang dilakukan antara lain: (1) Pengukuran antropometri tubuh, (2) Sosialisasi tentang penentuan status gizi menggunakan data antropometri, (3) Pengukuran komposisi tubuh, (4) Penyukuhan tentang pentingnya pengukuran antropometri dan komposisi tubuh dikaitkan dengan risiko penyakit, (5) Pelatihan melakukan pengukuran lingkar perut, dan (6) Diskusi dan konsultasi tentang kesehatan dan obat. Terdapat 70 orang berusia 15 – 74 tahun yang berpartisipasi pada kegiatan ini, namun hanya 53 orang yang mengembalikan kuesioner untuk menilai tingat pengetahuan tentang pengukuran antopometri dan komposisi tubuh. Sebagian besar (>60%) dapat menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar. Hasil antropometi didapatkan rerata IMT 26,1 ± 4,0 kg/m2 dan lebih dari 60% obesitas dengan massa lemak yang lebih tinggi dari normal. Pengetahuan masyarakat tentang antropometri dan komposisi tubuh cukup baik. Status gizi masyarakat sebagian besar obesitas dan obesits sentral dengan massa lemak tergolong sangat tinggi.


Kata Kunci: Antropometri, Status Gizi, Komposisi Tubuh, Massa Lemak





This activities began with the problems experienced by the community in the Sembungharjo Housing Complex, Semarang, e.g. (1) some of them felt obese as they got older, (2) the public's ignorance about the importance of anthropometric and body composition measurements , and (3) lack of community skills in maintaining health by monitoring the anthropometry of their respective bodies. (1) increase community knowledge about the importance of anthropometric measurements and body composition, (2) increase community skills in monitoring the anthropometry of their own bodies, and (3) increase community self-efficacy to improve their nutritional status by self-monitoring anthropometry. Activities carried out include: (1) Anthropometric body measurements, (2) Socialization about determining nutritional status using anthropometric data, (3) Body composition measurements, (4) Education about the importance of anthropometric measurements and body composition in relation to disease risk, (5) Training in measuring abdominal circumference, and (6) Discussion and consultation about health and medicine. There were 70 people aged 15 – 74 years who participated in this activity, but only 53 people returned questionnaires to assess their level of knowledge about anthropometric measurements and body composition. Most (>60%) were able to answer the questions correctly. Anthropometric results showed a mean BMI of 26.1 ± 4.0 kg/m2 and more than 60% obesity with a fat mass higher than normal. The knowledge about anthropometry and body composition was quite good. The nutritional status of the majority of people was obese and central obese with very high fat body mass.


Keywords: Anthropometry, Nutritional Status, Body Composition, Fat Mass

Kata Kunci

antropometri; IMT; status gizi; komposisi tubuh; massa lemak

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