Optimalisasi Self-Management Diabetes melalui Health Coaching bagi Kader Kesehatan Sebagai Upaya Pengontrolan Kadar Gula Darah Penderita DM
Diabetes Mellitus dengan kadar gula tidak terkontrol menyebabkan komplikasi mikrovaskular maupun makrovaskular yang dapat menurunkan dan memperburuk kualitas hidup penderitanya. Komplikasi terjadi diakibatkan oleh self management yang rendah, perilaku perawatan diri yang buruk sehingga kadar gula darah tidak terkontrol. Hal ini, jika tidak diatasi dan melaksanakan self management yang tepat, dampak terburuknya menyebabkan kematian akibat komplikasi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan kader dan warga tentang self-management diabetes melalui health coaching sebagai upaya pengontrolan kadar gula darah penderita DM. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan di lingkup wilayah RT 09 RW 08 Kelurahan Banyuurip Kota Surabaya. Metode kegiatan menggunakan pelatihan pendekatan partisipatif dengan cara ceramah, diskusi, tukar pendapat dan demonstrasi guna meningkatkan pengetahuan kader dan warga mengenai spiritual diabetes self-management health coaching untuk pengontrolan kadar gula darah penderita DM. kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Juli 2024 dan diikuti oleh 2 kader dan 15 penderita diabetes mellitus. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan pelatihan didapatkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang ditunjukkan dengan hasil pretest 54% meningkat menjadi 95% hasil posttest dan disertai ketrampilan yang meningkat baik kader dan warga dapat melaksnakan Self-Management Diabetes Melalui Health Coaching dan kader mampu memberikan penyuluhan terhadap warga secara langsung maupun daring, sehingga dapat menjadi support system bagi warganya mempertahankan status kesehatan di area binaanya.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Health Coaching, Kadar Gula Darah, Self-Management Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus with uncontrolled sugar levels causes microvascular and macrovascular complications which can reduce and worsen the sufferer's quality of life. Complications occur due to low self-management, and poor self-care behavior so that blood sugar levels are not controlled. This, if not addressed and implemented with proper self-management, can have the worst impact of causing death due to complications. This service activity aims to increase the knowledge and skills of cadres and residents regarding diabetes self-management through health coaching to control blood sugar levels in DM sufferers. Community service activities are carried out in the area of RT 09, Banyuurip Village, Surabaya City. The activity method uses participatory approach training using lectures, discussions, exchange of opinions and demonstrations to increase the knowledge of cadres and residents regarding spiritual diabetes self-management health coaching for controlling blood sugar levels in DM sufferers. This activity was carried out in May-July 2024 and was attended by 2 cadres and 15 diabetes mellitus sufferers. The results of the evaluation of training activities showed that there was an increase in knowledge and skills as shown by the pretest results increasing from 54% to 95% posttest results and accompanied by increased skills, both cadres and residents were able to carry out Diabetes Self-Management through Health Coaching and cadres were able to provide counselling to residents directly. or online, so that it can become a support system for residents to maintain their health status in the areas they support.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Health Coaching, Blood Sugar Levels, Diabetes Self-Management
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/jkpm.v7i9.15984
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