Promosi Kesehatan Ibu Hamil Melalui Pendekatan Senam Hamil Di Pustu Golodukal Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lao Ruteng Kabupaten Manggarai Nusa Tenggara Timur

Eufrasia Prinata Padeng, Putriatri Krimasusini Senudin, Petronela Jayanthi Janggu, Meri Meri




Penerapan Kelas ibu hamil sangat dibutuhkan oleh ibu hamil tanpa memandang usia kehamilannya. Didalam kelas ibu hamil ada beragam kegiatan yang akan dilakukan diantaranya adalah pelatihan senam hamil. Senam Hamil adalah Latihan fisik berupa beberapa gerakan tertentu yang dilakukan khusus untuk meningkatkan kesehatan ibu hamil. Kegiatan senam hamil ini adalah memperkuat dan mempertahankan elestisitas otot dinding perut, ligamen, dan otot dasar panggul yang akan berhubungan dengan  persalinan. Adapun tujuan dilakukan kegiatan promosi kesehatan ibu hamil melalui pendekatan senam hamil adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman ibu hamil terkait senam hamil dan juga melatih ibu hamil untuk melakukan senam hamil. Metode yang digunakan dimulai dari tahapan persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Pada tahap pelaksanaan dilakukan pretest dan posttest bagi peserta senam hamil. Pretest didapatkan hasil jawaban yang benar pada setiap pertanyaan pretest paling tinggi 15 benar pada pertanyaan tentang tujuan senam hamil dan paling sedikit 8 benar pada pertanyaan pedoman senam hamil, Untuk posttest diberikan pertanyaan yang sama dengan hasil  jawaban yang benar pada setiap pertanyaan post test paling tinggi 20 benar pada pertanyaan tentang pengertian senam hamil, tujuan senam hamil dan pedoman sendang hamil sedangkan paling sedikit 14 benar pada pertanyaan pedoman senam hamil.  Hasil tersebut menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan ibu hamil trimester III dari pre test ke post test.

Pelakasaan senam hamil sebaiknya dilakukan secara teratur berkesinambungan oleh ibu hamil


Kata Kunci : Promosi Kesehatan , Senam Hamil,




Application of Class of pregnant women is needed by pregnant women regardless of their gestational age. In the class for pregnant women, there are various activities that will be carried out, including pregnancy exercise training. Pregnant exercise is physical exercise in the form of certain movements that are done specifically to improve the health of pregnant women. This pregnancy exercise activity is to strengthen and maintain elasticity of the abdominal wall muscles, ligaments and pelvic floor muscles that will be associated with childbirth. The purpose of carrying out health promotion activities for pregnant women through the pregnancy exercise approach is to increase understanding of pregnant women regarding pregnancy exercise and also to train pregnant women to do pregnancy exercise. The method used starts from the stages of preparation, implementation and evaluation. At the implementation stage, a pretest and posttest was carried out for pregnant exercise participants. The pretest got the correct answer for each pretest question at the highest 15 correct on the question about the goals of pregnancy exercise and at least 8 correct on the pregnancy exercise guideline questions, for the posttest the same question was given with the correct answer on each post test question at the highest 20 correct on the question about the meaning of pregnancy exercise, the goals of pregnancy exercise and the guidelines for pregnancy while at least 14 are correct on the question of pregnancy exercise guidelines. These results indicate that there is an increase in the knowledge of third trimester pregnant women from pre test to post test. Pregnancy exercise should be carried out regularly and continuously by pregnant women


Keywords: Health Promotion, Pregnant Exercise,

Kata Kunci

Promosi Kesehatan , Senam Hamil,

Teks Lengkap:



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Disponsori oleh : Universitas Malahayati Lampung dan DPW PPNI Lampung

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