Pemanfaatan Platform Video Online Mengenai Penatalaksanaan Kedaruratan Avulsi Gigi Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Cristiani Nadya Pramasari, Nydia Hanan




Avulsi gigi merupakan jenis cedera umum yang mengakibatkan gigi terlepas dari soket alveolar. Jenis trauma dentoalveolar ini menyebabkan ligamen periodontal terputus dengan atau tanpa fraktur tulang alveolus. Meskipun perawatan yang ideal adalah replantasi gigi segera di tempat terjadinya trauma, hal ini mungkin tidak dapat dilakukan secara praktis dalam setiap kasus. Masyarakat masih belum mengetahui upaya pertolongan pertama pada penatalaksanaan avulsi gigi sebelum dilakukan replantasi untuk mempertahankan viabilitas jaringan di sekitar gigi yang lepas. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang cara membersihkan dan menyimpan gigi dengan tepat yang bertujuan meningkatkan keberhasilan perawatan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Pelaksanaan kegiatan kepada masyarakat ini meliputi pembuatan video animasi edukasi dan pengunggahan video tersebut pada platform video online “Youtube”. Respon yang diperoleh dari masyarakat dilakukan melalui kuesioner. Pengisian kuesioner oleh masyarakat (50 orang) didapatkan hasil yaitu sebanyak 50% sangat puas ; 48% puas ; 2% cukup puas ; 0% tidak puas ; dan 2% sangat tidak puas terhadap video edukasi yang ditayangkan pada platform YouTube tersebut. Tingginya kepuasan masyarakat diharapkan diimbangi dengan peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang penatalaksanaan kedaruratan avulsi gigi di masa pandemi Covid-19 yang disajikan dari video animasi edukasi.


Kata Kunci: Avulsi gigi, ligamen periodontal, replantasi gigi, trauma dentoalveolar



 Dental avulsion is a common type of injury that causes teeth to detach from the alveolar socket. This type of dentoalveolar trauma results in severed periodontal ligaments with or without alveolar bone fracture. Although the ideal treatment is dental replantation immediately at the site of the trauma, this may not be practicable in every case. The community still does not know the first aid efforts in the management of dental avulsion before replanting to maintain the viability of the tissue around the loose tooth. This community service activity is carried out to increase community knowledge about how to clean and store teeth properly with the aim of increasing the success of treatment in the Covid-19 pandemic. The implementation of this activity to the community includes making educational animated videos and uploading them to the online video platform "Youtube". The responses obtained from the community were carried out through a questionnaire. Filling out the questionnaire by the community (48 people) showed that 42% were very satisfied; 48% satisfied; 6% were quite satisfied; 0% dissatisfied, and 4% are very dissatisfied with the educational video shown on the YouTube platform. The high level of community satisfaction is expected to be balanced with an increase in public knowledge and awareness about the emergency management of dental avulsion during the Covid-19 pandemic, which is presented from an educational animated video.



Keywords: Dental avulsion, periodontal ligament, dental replantation, dentoalveolar trauma

Kata Kunci

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Teks Lengkap:



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