Upaya Meningkatkan Kesehatan Lanjut Usia (Lansia) Saat Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Panti Werdha Kota Manado Sulawesi Utara

Kristamuliana Kristamuliana, Adriani Natalia M.




Pandemi coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) telah merenggut nyawa lansia lima kali lebih banyak daripada kelompok usia lainnya. Hal ini terjadi karena kerentanan yang dialami oleh lansia akibat penurunan fungsi-fungsi tubuh termasuk sistem kekebalan tubuh. Protokol kesehatan yang diterapkan bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat membuat lansia harus lebih banyak mengisolasi diri di kamar. Kondisi ini menyebabkan lansia mengalami kelemahan dan berpotensi untuk mengalami kekakuan sendi yang berujung pada risiko tinggi untuk jatuh akibat kurangnya aktivitas fisik selama menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah mengajarkan Range of Motion (ROM) Exercise untuk mencegah kekakuan sendi menjaga keseimbangan dan gaya berjalan lansia agar tidak berisiko tinggi untuk jatuh akibat kurangnya aktivitas selama Pandemi COVID-19. Adapun kegiatan yang telah dilakukan adalah mengajarkan ROM Exercise kepada lansia dan hasil yang didapatkan adalah sebanyak 87% lansia mampu melakukan ROM Exercise secara mandiri, adapun yang tidak mampu melakukan secara mandri adalah karena lansia-lansia tersebut menggunakan kursi roda atau mengalami gangguan pada ektremitas bawah.


Kata Kunci: Lansia, COVID-19, protokol kesehatan, ROM exercise.




 The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has claimed five times as many elderly lives as any other age group. This happens because of the vulnerability experienced by the elderly due to a decrease in body functions including the immune system. Health protocols that are implemented to all levels of society make the elderly have to isolate themselves more in their rooms. This condition causes the elderly to experience weakness and have the potential to experience joint stiffness which leads to a high risk of falling due to lack of physical activity while implementing health protocols. The purpose of this activity was to teach Range of Motion (ROM) Exercise to prevent joint stiffness, maintain balance and gait in the elderly so that they are not at high risk of falling due to lack of activity during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The activities have been carried out are teaching ROM Exercise to the elderly and the results obtained are as many as 87% of the elderly are able to do ROM Exercise independently, while those who are unable to do it independently are because the elderly use a wheelchair or have problems with the lower extremities.


Keywords: Elderly, COVID-19, health protocol, ROM exercise.

Kata Kunci

Lansia, COVID-19, protokol kesehatan, ROM exercise.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33024/jkpm.v5i2.4702


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