Desa Sehat dan Peduli Lingkungan di Kelurahan Gunung Seteleng Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara

Mayusef Sukmana, Ruminem Ruminem, Yuliana Puspa Dewi, Rifki Maulana, Siti Nur Rahmah, Septiana Wulandari, Fanny Elinda Sari, Muhammad Ricky Juniawan, Kurnia Agustin Nur’Aini




Kalimantan Timur menempati urutan kelima jumlah kasus covid-19 terbanyak di Indonesia. Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) dan Kelurahan Gunung Seteleng termasuk dalam zona merah penyebaran covid-19. Desa sehat diukur dari cakupan pelayanan kesehatan termasuk pelayanan vaksin sebagai upaya pencegahan covid-19. Imunisasi covid-19 Periode Juni 2021 Gunung Seteleng sebesar 40%, diatas cukupan Kabupaten Penajam 27%. Herd immunity dapat dicapai dengan cakupan nasional sebesar 70%. Sosialisasi vaksin diperlukan dalam meningkatkan cakupan tersebut. Indikator desa ramah lingkungan diantaranya sampah yang dihasilkan warga perlu dikelola dengan baik agar lingkungan sehat  dan menghasilkan sumber pendapatan. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan desa sehat melalui peningkatan cakupan imunisasi vaksin covid-19. Meningkatkan desa ramah lingkungan melalui  pengelolaan sampah yang baik melalui pembuatan buku tabungan bank sampah. Metode: Sosialisasi dan edukasi kepada warganya mengenai pentingnya mengikuti vaksinasi. Pembuatan poster dan video edukasi.  Pembentukan unit bank sampah dan pembuatan buku tabungan.  Hasil: cakupan imunisasi covid-19 meningkat sebesar 45 % dan warga Gunung Seteleng telah memiliki Buku tabungan sampah.  Diharapkan program desa sehat dan desa peduli lingkungan dapat dilanjutkan dengan program sosialisasi vaksin dan pembuatan buku tabungan secara berkelanjutan.


Kata Kunci: Desa Sehat, Desa peduli lingkungan, Vaksin covid-19, Bank Sampah, Media masa





East Kalimantan ranks fifth with the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU) and Gunung Seteleng Village are included in the red zone for the spread of COVID-19. Healthy villages are measured by the coverage of health services, including vaccine services as an effort to prevent COVID-19. Covid-19 immunization for the period of June 2021 for Mount Seteleng is 40%, above the 27% of Penajam Regency. Herd immunity can be achieved with a national coverage of 70%. Vaccine socialization is needed to increase the coverage. Indicators of an environmentally friendly village, including the waste produced by residents, need to be managed properly so that the environment is healthy and generates a source of income. The purpose of this community service is to increase healthy villages through increasing the coverage of the covid-19 vaccine immunization. Improving environmentally friendly villages through good waste management through the creation of a waste bank passbook. Methods: Socialization and education to citizens about the importance of following vaccinations. Making posters and educational videos. Establishment of a waste bank unit and creation of a savings book. Result: Covid-19 immunization coverage increased by 45% and residents of Gunung Seteleng already have a waste savings book. It is hoped that the healthy village program and the village that cares about the environment can be continued with the vaccine socialization program and the creation of a savings book in a sustainable manner.


Keywords: Healthy Village, Environmentally Concerned Village, Covid-19 Vaccine, Garbage Bank, Mass Media


Kata Kunci

Desa Sehat, Desa peduli lingkungan, Vaksin covid-19, Bank Sampah, Media massa

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