Peningkatan Partisipasi Masyarakat pada Akselerasi Edukasi Penerapan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat pada Masa dan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di Kelurahan Hadimulyo Timur Metro Pusat

Djunizar Djamaludin, Mery Andiny




Pembinaan PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat) merupakan upaya guna menghasilkan serta melestarikan sikap hidup yang berorientasi kepada kebe rsihan serta kesehatan di warga, supaya warga bisa mandiri dalam menghindari serta mengatasi masalah- masalah kesehatan yang dihadapinya. Pembinaan Sikap Hidup Bersih serta Sehat( PHBS) ialah salah satu program berarti guna kenaikan IPM yang kurang dari sasaran yang diinginkan. Di tahun 2007 pengaplikasian PHBS di rumah tangga mencapai 38,7%, padahal Restra Kemenkes 2014 sudah 70%. Tujuan penyuluhan sesudah dicoba penyuluhan Sebagian besar/ lebih dari 60% partisipan telah sanggup tingkatkan pemahaman guna mempraktikkan Sikap Hidup Bersih serta Sehat( PHBS) semacam cuci tangan dengan sabun serta air mengalir, sediakan tempat sampah secara terpisah organik serta an- organik, melindungi daerah paling utama di masa pandemi covid- 19, mengkomsumsi air yang higenis, serta mempraktikkan protokol kesehatan sepanjang pandemi covid- 19. Aktivitas yang dicoba berbentuk penyuluhan kesehatan dengan memakai power point serta video pembelajaran tentang Pelaksanaan Sikap Hidup Bersih Serta Sehat. Pengetahuan serta kemampuan dalam pelaksanaan Sikap Hidup Bersih serta Sehat di desa Mekar sari Hadimulyo Timur Metro Pusat bertambah 90%.


Kata Kunci: Edukasi, Hidup Sehat Dan Bersih,Covid 19





Clean and healthy living behaviors (PHBS) are attempts to build and preserve community-centered lifebehaviors that are geared toward morality and health, so that individuals can be self-sufficient in preventing and managing health issues. One of the important programs in ipm improvements that is still falling short of the desired aim is the development of clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS). In 2007, 38.7% of people practiced PHBS at home, whereas 70% of people practiced restra ministry in 2014. After a majority of/more than 60% of participants have been able to increase awareness of clean and healthy living behaviors (PHBS) such as handwashing with soap and running water, providing separate, organically and organically garbage disposal, protecting the environment, especially during the covid-19 pandemic, combating hygenic water, etc., the purpose of counseling is to, during the Covid-19 pandemic, I was in charge of developing and implementing health protocols. The activity entails providing health advice through the use of powerpoint presentations and films, as well as educational resources on clean and healthy living habits. In the burgeoning village gift saris east of the central metro, knowledge and expertise in the implementation of clean and healthy living behavior has increased by 90%.


Keywords : Educated,Healthy And Clean Life,Covid 19

Kata Kunci

edukasi;hidup sehat dan bersih;covid 19

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