Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Masa Pandemi Menuju Desa Tangguh Covid-19

Novita Rudiyanti, Yeyen Putriana, Nelly Indrasari, Mugiati Mugiati, Yusari Asih, Amrina Octaviana




Saat ini seluruh wilayah Indonesia sedang mengalami pandemi Covid 19. Dampak dari pandemic ini dirasakan oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Masyarakat desa Karang Anyar juga ikut merasakan dampak dari pandemi Covid 19 pada sektor ekonomi, kesehatan, pendidikan dan sebagainya. Tujuannya peningkatan kemampuan masyarakat dalam mengidentifikasi dan mengorganisasikan berbagai kegiatan Desa sehingga warga desa dapat beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan baru dalam era Pandemi Covid 19. Sasaran kegiatan yaitu masyarakat, kader posyandu, tokoh masyarakat Desa Karang Anyar. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi perencanaan (pembentukan tim, perumusan tujuan, identifikasi stake holder), implementasi (identifikasi masalah, penentuan prioritas solusi, analisis kebutuhan, pelaksanaan intervensi), pendampingan (review, evaluasi, tindak lanjut). Hasil kegiatan berupa pemaksimalan peran tim satgas desa, penyuluhan kesehatan sehingga meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang protokol pencegahan penularan covid-19 dengan hasil post test 96,2%, pemberian tempat cuci tangan di fasilitas umum, pembagian masker , handsanitizer , poster dan leaflet serta pemberian perlengkapan APD dan alat semprot desinfektan bagi tim satgas. Evaluasi dilakukan melalui pemantauan pemanfaatan sarana yang diberikan, prilaku masyarakat terhadap penerapan protokol pencegahan penularan covid-19 dan pendampingan tim satgas. Diharapkan kedepan Desa Karang Anyar secara mandiri dapat melaksanakan pencegahan dan penanganan covid-19.


Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Pandemic, Covid-19




Currently, all regions of Indonesia are experiencing the Covid 19 pandemic. The impact of this pandemic is felt by all levels of society. The people of Karang Anyar village also feel the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the economic, health, education and so on. The goal is to increase the community's ability to identify and organize various village activities so that village residents can adapt to new habits in the Covid-19 pandemic era. The target activities are the community, posyandu cadres, community leaders in Karang Anyar Village. The method of implementing the activities includes planning (team formation, goal formulation, stakeholder identification), implementation (problem identification, solution prioritization, needs analysis, intervention implementation), mentoring (review, evaluation, follow-up). The results of the activity were in the form of maximizing the role of the village task force team, health education so as to increase public knowledge about the protocol for preventing the transmission of COVID-19 with a post test result of 96.2%, provision of hand washing facilities in public facilities, distribution of masks, hand sanitizer, posters and leaflets and provision of equipment. PPE and disinfectant spray equipment for the task force team. The evaluation is carried out through monitoring the use of the facilities provided, the behavior of the community towards the application of the protocol for preventing the transmission of COVID-19 and assisting the task force team. It is hoped that in the future Karang Anyar Village can independently carry out prevention and handling of COVID-19.


Keywords: Community Empowerment, Pandemic, Covid-19

Kata Kunci

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Pandemi, Covid-19

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